-Chapter 24-

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Jacklyne's POV

I was finally feeling calmed down a few hours later. I knew I had to talk to Mike when he was sober, but I was worried about the outcome. There were so many problems when it came to the one you loved. So much drama, but for some reason you still love that person no matter what.

I don't think I'll ever not have feelings for Mike. Mike was basically the first boyfriend that ever made a huge impact on my life. My other boyfriends were nothing compared to him. He was so sweet and funny. At this point in my life, I didn't want to be with anyone else.

After asking a few people where Mike went, they all had sad expressions as they told me he was waiting by himself on the PTV bus. I felt myself get very shaky as I made my way to the bus. I was having a panic attack because I was so worried that he hated me.

I let myself into the bus, seeing Mike sitting on the couch, staring at the floor of the bus.

"Mike, I'm really sorry about what happened. I shouldn't have-"

"It's not your fault. I-I am keeping something from you, and you were just being the better person," Mike murmured, looking up at me with bloodshot eyes.

"Mike, what happened?" I asked, my heart rate increasing. It felt like the walls of the bus were closing around me and I was going to suffocate.

"Remember that girl I slept with at that party?" He asked, his eyes welling up with tears.

I started to get dizzy. Everything was spinning. No, he can't be saying this. This isn't happening. This is all some sick joke they're playing on me. I held my forehead and squeezed my eyes shut. "Please don't..."

"She's pregnant. It's mine."

I felt like I was going to throw up. I was literally dying from the four words that came out of his mouth.

"Jacklyne, I-"

"No," I whispered, shakily turning around in attempt to get a tight grip on the door. I swung the door open and once I climbed out, I started running. I ran as fast as I could, so I could be anywhere be here. People yelled after me but no one bothered following me because they knew I was better off alone.

They were wrong.

Somehow I found myself at a public park, under a large birch tree. It was dark outside, and I could barely breathe. Between my full-on panic attack, running, and my gut wrenching sobs, I could barely get a single deep breath in.

I slowly began taking slow, deep breaths, but every time I closed my eyes I saw Mike's face. His horrible face. The face that would forever haunt me every single day.

"Jacklyne?" I heard someone ask. How did someone find me here? I didn't even know where I was. "I-It's Adam... Elmakias. The... photographer. Are uh - are you ok?"

Adam sat down beside me and I quickly wiped at my eyes, trying to make it look like I was fine. "I'm sorry I bothered you," I murmured.

"You didn't bother me at all. I was just uh... taking some night-time photography. Seriously, are you ok?" He put a comforting hand on my shoulder and I began my heaving sobs again.

"I- Mike he... he got s-someone preg... nant," I managed.

He sighed. "That's horrible, Jacklyne. I uh, I know what you're going through. Maybe you should try designing some merch to get your mind off of things? Whatever you do, don't isolate yourself from everyone. You'll be better if you stay social and forget about him."

I forced a small smile. "Thanks, Adam."

After Adam showed me back to the venue, I climbed onto the Of Mice bus and was greeted by the members and Lydia.

"Where the hell were you? What happened?" Austin asked, jumping off of the couch so he could give me a tight hug. "We thought you were gone. We love you, and if you left us I don't know what we'd do."

I sent him a generous smile. "I just went to collect my thoughts a bit. I um... need to go to the washroom," I said, making my way in the direction of the washroom.

"Do you don't," Alan said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me back so I was sitting on his lap. "You're not going to cut yourself because of a stupid fucking idiot."

I felt myself blush because of Alan's quick advance. He knew exactly what I was thinking, and I actually felt better with his arms wrapped around my waist to keep me still.

"Everything will be ok, Jacklyne," Lydia reassured me.

I nodded, leaning my head on Alan's chest. "I hope so."

The door to the bus opened and Mike quickly ran in. "Did you guys find... Jacklyne?" He asked as his eyes met mine.

I felt really tired, and I didn't know how long Mike and I stared at each other. I wasn't even thinking, I was just looking at him. His eyes told a million stories. He looked like such a mess, but he also looked tired.

"Have a happy life with your new baby, Mike," I finally mumbled.

An Austin Carlile and Mike Fuentes fanfiction: "Fall For You"Where stories live. Discover now