-Chapter 18-

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Jacklyne's POV

Let me tell you, I did not sleep easy that night. I spent the whole time worrying about everyone and everything. I still didn't have a place to sleep other than the Of Mice & Men bus, so I was up listening to make sure no one got a phone call saying that Austin went on a killing rampage or anything. I was worried about Lydia, who was on the Pierce The Veil bus, protected by unbelievably sober band members. I was just plain worried.

In the morning, I got up and went to the front of the bus. I was going to the Pierce The Veil bus when someone stopped me.

"Jacklyne, can I please explain something to you?" Alan asked from the couch.

"What is there to explain, Alan?" I asked, turning around to face him.

"I like you... a lot. I know you'll never like me back because you like Mike, but I just wanted you to know. I don't want you to think that I'm out to get Mike for dating you, I just want to see you happy. If you're happy with Mike, then I want you to stay with him, stop this stupid self harming, and be my best friend again," Alan explained, his puppy eyes melting my soul.

I sighed. "I... I forgive you. Just don't kiss me anymore, ok? Because that shit was just plain awkward," I said with a laugh.

He forced a laugh as well. "Let's go see how Lydia is doing," he said, getting off the couch and leading me outside.

Everything was quiet. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop, and that's how I knew something was very wrong.

I told Alan to be quiet and we slowly approached the bus. We were about to open the door when it swung open and we dove behind the bus. I peaked over the side and saw the guy from the restaurant, dragging a fighting Lydia out of the bus with a gun to her head.

"Oh my god. What do we do?" I whisper-yelled.

"I'll get in my car and follow them. You go see if everyone's ok, and call me," Alan said, sneaking to where the cars were parked.

Without hesitation, I ran into the bus, where everyone was huddled in a circle. "What's wrong?" I asked, fear prominent in my voice.

Matt Nicholls looked up at me, his hands covered in blood. "He... he shot them. Th-they were trying to protect Lydia and he shot them," Matt said, his eyes watering.

"Shot who?" I asked, running over to the group. I struggled to see, but finally got a view of two guys, looking like they were in emense pain. Austin and Mike.

"Oh my god. Ok, I need everyone to back away, give them space," I said, trying to keep my calm. The look on their faces killed me.

"Lyd... he got away with Lydia!" Austin managed, trying to get up but wincing in pain and falling to the floor again.

"I know... Alan is following them right now. Austin, I need you to take your pants off so I can see the wound. Don't worry, if there's one thing I know, it's how to fix a wound." Being a merch girl, I was trained for these kind of situations, only for my own sake. I was the nervous type, you should get that by now.

"Mike, where did he get you?" I asked.

"My... side," he winced, pulling his hand off his left side of his stomach.

I lifted Mike's shirt and looked at the wound. "It's only a burn, hun. You'll be fine as long as you get some ice on it," I said, soon accepting a pack of ice from someone.

I moved over to Austin, who was sprawled out on the floor in his boxers, struggling not to cry.

"The gun was in my back pocket... I was so... so close to helping her. But I was sleeping and he got me before I even had time to think." Austin immediately started crying and he covered his face in his hands.

I looked at the First Aid Kit with everything messed aronud, and pulled out a needle, thread, tweezers, and some gauze.

"This'll only hurt a bit, Aus. Lydia will be ok. Alan is following them and we'll get everything under control. If Alan isn't the idiot I think he is, he'll hopefully have called the cops with a license plate number," I explained, working on Austin's wound.

I pulled the bullet out of his leg and disinfected it before stitching it up and wrapping some gauze around it.

When I was done, I got up and called Alan. It rung, and rung, and rung, but he never picked up.

Alan's POV

I currently felt like the total bad ass of the century. I was following a criminal with the police on the line. They should be here any second to save us. And I was an assistant to the police doing the saving.

The car in front of me suddenly stopped and the guy jumped out of the car and charged towards me. Acting quickly, I put the car into reverse and backed away about five feet, but the guy kept coming towards me. I knew I couldn't lose him because then he would be gone forever, with Lydia.

From the corner of my eye I saw Lydia jump out of the car and limp as quickly as she could towards the gas station across the street. The guy noticed her and started charging towards her, and that's when I got out of the car.

Before he could get his hands on Lydia, I grabbed him and threw him to the ground, straddling him as I delivered multiple punches to his face. "Stay away from Lydia you fucking bastard."

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to get off the man," a police officer said.

Without hesitation I got up and put my hands up in surrender. In a split second, there was a gun to my head.

"Sir, put the gun down!" The police officer yelled.

"Why should I? He kept me from my Lydia!"

"Paul, stop! I'll... I'll go with you. We can run away together, I-I promise," Lydia stammered from behind us.

I felt like I was completely frozen. I've been in many fucked up situations in my life, but never once have I had a gun held to my head.

Paul turned around to look at Lydia, and the zap of a tazer when off and Paul went falling to the ground and a wet spot started the form on his pants.

For some fucked up reason, I wanted to laugh because that annoying fucker just wet himself. I held back my laughter as the police pulled him off of the ground and hand-cuffed him.

Some other officers lead me and Lydia over to an ambulance where they sat us down and put blankets over our shoulders.

"Thank you, Alan," Lydia murmured.

Jacklyne's POV

We borrowed a car from someone's tour manager. Me, Mike, Austin, and Jaime pilled in the car and I drove. I just got a call back from Alan, telling me that he and Lydia needed a ride back because a nurse at the scene said they were in shock and weren't in the position to drive. I was just happy that they were ok for the most part.

Once we got to the scene, the boys couldn't run out of the car fast enough. They went straight towards Lydia, and everyone started crying as they gave each other comforting embraces.

I walked over to where Alan was smoking a cigarette, and once I was close enough to him, he hugged me tighter than anyone has ever hugged me... ever.

"Alan, it's ok. You saved her," I whispered.

"I could've died. I was two seconds away from dying if it wasn't for Lydia. There was a fucking gun to my head, Jacklyne."

"But you didn't die. You're still here and he's going to jail."

"I punched him. I could go to jail for that."

"It's called self-defense. You won't go to jail. I won't let you go to jail unless its for public indecency or something stupid like that," I teased, letting go of him. "Thank you for helping, Alan. Now let's go see how Lydia is doing."

An Austin Carlile and Mike Fuentes fanfiction: "Fall For You"Where stories live. Discover now