-Chapter 15-

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Lydia's P.O.V

After 3 days of chilling on the BMTH bus and selling Merch I finally reclaimed my spot on the bus. Mike looked at me an tried to apologize, I rolled my eyes and flipped him off many times.

At this particular moment Pickles and Jaime and I were on the couch watching this one documentary about murders and shit like that. We were bored and it was a "free day."

Mike walked onto the bus scowling. Jaime lowered the volume and looked at him, "what's wrong dude?"

"Jacklyne slapped me and won't talk to me."

"You deserved it," I mumbled. That caused all the guys to look at me. The awkward silence was deafening. That's when I stood up and fixed my cut off denim booty shorts and walked off the bus. I began to walk and embraced the perfect sun rays. Tanning would be nice but then the assholes here would probably pour ice water on me *cough Cough* Jack Barakat *cough cough*

I found myself walking down this street. It wasn't familiar to me, didn't shock me. We were in some important town in Florida. I walked into this store and began to look at this necklace. I then heard the door open and shut. I felt someone out there hands on my hips and pull me closer to them. "I like the lady bug necklace." Austin whispered. "It's very... You."

"Same," I smiled. "And thanks." I kissed his cheek and rested my head against his Chest as he looked at the price. He nodded then took it to the counter. "How much is it?"

"Only 50 bucks."


"It's fine beautiful. You're my girlfriend, I'm supposed to treat you like a queen." I rolled my eyes at his cliche remark. I let him put on the necklace and I smiled my dorky grin. He kissed my cheek then intertwined our hands.

"Where to next?"

"Are we allowed to go to the beach?" I asked. He nodded and we began to walk back to the bus, as we got there. We saw Mike sitting by an angry Aaron. "He won't leave Austin..."

"Get out of here Mike." Austin tried.

"I'm not leaving until I talk to her!" Mike tried. He looked at me and his face filled with regret. "Lydia I need to talk to you too, but I really need Jacklyne... I need you too." I rolled my eyes and hugged him. "I forgive you. Just give her some space for now ok Mikey?"

"I told you I'm not leaving until I talk to her!!"

After he said that Tino, Phil, and Alan all gathered around and looked at him furious. We all knew he wouldn't leave, and from the look of it Alan wanted to tear out his eyes out then and there.

"Just get out of here you piece of shit! She's better for someone else!" Alan growled low enough for Mike and I to hear. That pissed me off a little bit. Yeah Mike fucked up but the worth of who he is, is not determined by Ashby. I clenched my fist. But before I could do anything mike stood up and growled in Alan's face. "I'm not leaving this fucking bus until I talk to her!" Mike yelled.

As if it were a cue card from God, Jacklyne walked onto the bus with a concerned face. We all looked at her. The tension between Alan and Mike grew heavier. I was afraid a full out fight would happen.

Jackie then mumbled something that was barely audible then next thing I knew Mike followed behind her closely.

Alan then looked at me with furry in his eyes. It kind of scared me. "Wha--"

"How could you forgive that dick like that?"

"How could you judge like that?"

"He's a douchebag."

"He's my best friend!"

"You chose shit friends."

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" What was his fucking problem?

Alan then walked away scowling. Was every man on their period at Warped Tour? Jesus Christ


A few days passed and I sat in a seat watching Austin answer some questions, I giggled a few times and he smiled at me. Then the interviewer asked a question that made my heartbeat thud really bad.

"Rumor has it, you're dating the Pierce The Veil Merch girl. Is this true?" He looked at me then smiled "yes I am. It's about time too."

He smiled, "can she answer some questions for us."

"If she wants." He said. I awkwardly stood up. I was not prepared for this. He patted his lap and I sat on it.

"What's your name?"


"How long have you been dating Austin?"

"Awhile now actually."

"Is it hard dating someone in a band." I shrugged. "I didn't mind it so much because I am the merch girl of Pierce The Veil, so I'm on the road all the time as well. We haven't had any conflictions due to him being in a band."

The interviewer nodded. "How much do you like Austin."

"Obviously a lot, enough to be his girlfriend.." This caused everyone to laugh.

"Alright. Well thank you Lydia." I nodded then Austin kissed my shoulder before I left. I blushed as I walked away. It was around the time when I had to walk back to the merch table. As I walked there I saw Mike smiling at me. I couldn't help but smile. We gave each other a big hug and just held it for awhile. "I missed you Lyd."" I missed you to Michael."

He chuckled and fluffed my hair. I jumped over the merch table and fell after I landed. I had the agility of a giraffe. I quickly got up but to my dismay, Oli saw and broke down laughing. I quickly covered my face and flipped him off. God fuck my life.

I then heard yelling coming from a tour bus. "What the hell?" Alex yelled. He stood a few stands away and it made me laugh.

"Those don't sound like happy screams.." I thought. All of a sudden we saw a bloody looking Alan and my heart dropped. What?? I watched as Alan walked to the medic. Then being the snoopy little shit I am, I walked to the Of mice bus. Oli followed me along with Alex. I was not prepared for what I saw. Blood blood blood.

I began to get light headed when I saw mikes lip. "What..." Alex gawked.

Jacklyne looked shooken up. I then took her from Mike and walked her to the car. "Are you hurt?"

"Just confused... Please take me away?"

I nodded and took her to a beach side cafe. We ordered food and then sat in silence. It was then when she started to cry. "Jackie, what happened..." I whispered. Seeing my best friend was like if I stabbing my self with a dull knife. It sucked ass.

She then told me everything. From explaining mike to Alan kissing her then "accidentally hitting her." Anger rolled up in the pit of my soul. I was almost so angry, that I didn't see him. However my vision caught his. He was glaring at me with a smile. The man who raped me, was in that very cafe.

"Call Jaime.." I breathed breathlessly.

An Austin Carlile and Mike Fuentes fanfiction: "Fall For You"Where stories live. Discover now