And then, it was over, when Will abruptly pushed Nico away so he could breathe. He'd done it reluctantly, as if he was afraid of opening the gap.

This relieved Nico a little bit, but it also left him feeling disappointed. The kiss didn't seem to have gone on very long, but at the same time, it felt as if it'd lasted forever. 

A kiss that had stopped time. 


The Italian's breaths were short, choppy. His eyes were wide, still replaying the moment over and over again. Though it was weird, it had also felt, well, right, unlike kissing Percy. But if he kissed Will again and again and again, would it still feel that way? 

"Nico," the freckled boy repeated. He said his name passionately, like he wanted more.

He didn't know what to say, so he just sputtered, "You smell like strawberries."

"That's my conditioner, Sunshine."

"It's strawberry scented?"

Will's lips curled into a smile. "Yeah." 

"I see."

Nico took a breath, before letting words spill out of him that he couldn't control. "I'm not going to lie, Solace, I didn't think I was going to like this. But then I set myself up for it, and, well, I couldn't go back," Nico began. He was on the floor now, head on the blond's broad shoulder.

"I'm dumb, I really am. I mean, it's not like I couldn't tell you were actually flirting after a while. So, you know, I tried to flirt back, but, damn, I'm awkward. I mean-never mind."

"I thought I fell for you a while ago, but that was only the beginning. One day, I don't even remember when, everything clicked. But, oh, god, I'm terrible with emotions. I've never really understood myself, let alone understood you."

"Oh, shit, I sound like a lovesick teenager. And I keep...repeating myself. I feel like I've said all this a thousand times. I'm sorry, I'm going to leave." Nico sighed and stood up, but Will grabbed him by the ankle.

"Not on my watch, Mister. Come back here." There was a cheeky grin on his face.

"I'll kick you," he warned, a smile on his own face.

"You wouldn't." His voice was nervous, small. It was like something had clicked inside of him. 

"I would," Nico replied. "If you don't believe me, I'll show you."

"D-don't please," Will stuttered.

He turned to face him. "Are you okay?"
Oh, shit. I made him think of Nyssa. I was only kidding...

The boy who's just kissed him was on the bed now, inhaling and exhaling, most likely trying to calm himself.

"If things this small trigger thoughts about Nyssa, I think you need help," Nico said seriously, sitting next to him. "Have you always been having these thoughts?"

"Sometimes. It's nothing I can't handle, though. I'm fine, I promise," he told him. "Can we talk about something else, instead?" Will bit his lip.

Roommates//Solangelo AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora