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When he woke up, Nico hurriedly scooted away; he didn't want Will to know he'd been sleeping on him.

Mrs. O'Leary was gone now, probably sleeping somewhere else. Nico had actually slept closer to Will than he'd like to admit, and she'd probably gotten uncomfortable from being wedged between the two of them. Will was just so warm. Nico was cold.

Nico realized he should probably take Mrs. O'Leary outside to do her business, so he made his hair look a bit more normal and then grabbed her leash.

She gratefully let Nico strap her in, and after he grabbed the key, the two of them were out the door. Will was still asleep.

Nico took Mrs. O'Leary to the pet area, and while she was pulling Nico along on the leash, he stopped dead in his tracks.

Perseus Jackson.

He was one of the most gorgeous guys he'd ever seen, with that black hair and those sea green eyes. If having a dog meant Nico got to see him outside, he was all in. He'd only actually talked to him once before, but it was hard to forget a face like that.

"Yo, Nico!" He called with a bright smile.

"H-hi Percy." Nico was almost sure his face was heated up, but that was okay.

"Hey, my friends and I are going out tonight, you wanna come? Hazel will be there."

"Sure," Nico replied in a heartbeat. "Where are we going?" He hadn't seen his sister Hazel in a while, but he'd honestly accepted so he could see Percy and get away from Will.

Percy shrugged. "Not sure. Do you have a cell phone I can text you on?" He asked, taking his phone from his pocket.

Nico nodded, and Percy walked over to him so he could punch in his number. Mrs. O'Leary was growing impatient; she was tugging on the leash to go back inside.

"I'll text you later, Nico. Bring a friend or two if you want," Percy called as he started his way back to his apartment room.

Nico couldn't believe his luck. He finally gave in to his dog's anxious tugs on the leash, and soon enough they were back home. Nico gave her food and water, and then he was in his bedroom looking for an outfit.

He eventually decided on a smooth black button up shirt and black skinny jeans. He also took out his converse, and then he went to shower. By the time he was done, Will was awake. Or maybe he'd been awake since Nico got home. He wasn't paying attention. He was too busy fantasizing about Percy.

"Nico? Your phone is buzzing," Will informed him.

"Okay. It's probably just Percy."

"Who's he?" Will asked, and if he wasn't mistaken, Nico thought he heard a pang of jealousy in his voice. Will wouldn't be jealous, would he? Nico wondered.

"A friend. He invited me to go out with him and his buddies tonight," Nico answered.


"I don't know! Why do you care?! You go out with your friends, and I don't question you," he snapped.

"It's just that you never leave the house, that's all," Will but his lip.

"Just shut up, Solace. I don't have time for your crap right now."

Will looked hurt. "Okay," he said barely audible. "Y-you like nice, by the way."

Nico huffed in response. Why is he complimenting me? Why does he care?

Soon after, Will had gotten himself ready as well. Nico couldn't help but think about how fantastic he looked in his maroon polo and khakis.

When Will caught him staring, he cleared his throat awkwardly and said, "I'm going out with Cecil and Lou Ellen later. I entered your phone number in mine, by the way, and vice versa.. Not to be weird or anything. I just want you to have a ride home in case you need one."

Percy said I could bring a friend...But if I brought Will, I would have to entertain him, whilst cutting my time with Percy, he thought. So, I guess it's okay that he's going to be with Cecil and Lou.

But was it really a bad thing to hang out with Will?


The two boys didn't speak to each other much throughout the day, unless they were yelling at one another to take care of the dog.

Percy had told Nico to meet him in the parking lot; he'd be the designated driver.

Nico had straightened his shirt and made sure he looked especially decent.

"Bye, Mrs. O'Leary," Nico said as he slipped out the door, wallet and phone stuffed in the pocket of his jeans.

Sure enough, Percy was waiting for Nico. "Hey!" He called.

Nico smiled. When was the last time he'd smiled? Certainly not because of Will. Stupid William, with his fantastic body and dazzling smile.

"So, where to?" Nico asked.

"Eh, I never really discussed it with the rest of the group, but I thought we could go to a couple of different bars and crash at Piper's dad's mansion later. Do you drink?"

Nico nodded. "Only sometimes, but I'll have some tonight."

"Great! Let's get in the car, and we'll pick up the others," Percy said, stepping inside his van.

Nico went to sit in the passenger seat, but Percy shook his head. "That's...Annabeth's spot."

"Oh, okay." Nico remembered seeing glimpses of Percy's girlfriend, but he couldn't recall ever having a conversation with her. He was honestly a little offended that Percy kicked him to the back seat. Oh well.


Nico was silent for most of the ride, only speaking when he was muttering a quiet "hi" to Percy's friends as they entered the vehicle. There were a bunch of other people coming; tonight was gonna be a heck of a party.

Nico bit his lip when Annabeth arrived and gave Percy a peck on the cheek, and for some odd reason he thought of Will.

There was a boy named Leo, who reminded Nico of a Mexican elf. He was there with his girlfriend, Calypso, and Leo insisted that Nico called him "Hot Stuff." That comment earned him a punch in the ribs from Calypso.

Then there was Hazel, who kissed Nico on the cheek. Frank was with her, and he gave Nico a shy smile and a wave. He didn't mind Frank; he was good to Hazel, and as long as she was happy, he was happy.

Lastly, they picked up Jason and Piper. They were both at the mansion, which Nico had to admit was pretty impressive. He was a bit excited to be crashing there later tonight. For once, the black haired boy was actually grateful to be included. Maybe he could even consider calling these guys friends after tonight.


Stuff is finally happening! Yay! Maybe some drama as well, ayyye. Btw, If y'all got ideas for this story, pm me. I would've updated earlier, but I can't add the italics on my phone, and I couldn't get to a computer to add them until now. Today it let me add one more character; idk what the deal is. As always, comments, votes, follows, and criticism are appreciated! Have a FaBuLoUs day!

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