Chapter 36

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Song A Thousand Years because... 


It was really late and we routinely were getting ready for bed. That was until Niall’s phone rang as a sign of a text message. That’s when both their lives changed forever.

Ashleigh’s POV

“Niall, look at it.” I said as his phone went off again. We were both under the covers, our lights off, his arm was around me securely, and his phone kept vibrating the nightstand. 

“Niall.” I said all he did was mumble into my neck. I huffed and turned over. I reached over him as he laughed. Why was- oh, he just a full blown look down my shirt. 

“Perv.” I smacked his arm. 

“You really love it. Just like I love you.” He said kissing me. I pulled away and handed it to him. 

“No. You answer it for me. You are my new assistant or slave. I will slave drive you.” He smirked. I glared at him, but he could barely see me since only the moon was shining in on us. I sighed and unlocked it waiting for his IPhone to load. Why is his so slow you may ask. He dropped it in cereal the other day, then dropped it on our tile floor. It finally opened to the Messaging app. 


Meet me at the Rosewood park 1 am sharp. Bring Ashleigh too or else your nephew is at stake. 


What? Why would little baby Theo have to pay. Oh, because he makes Niall so happy, but I hate that if this... thing wants me, he has to go through Niall to get to me. He knows I would do anything for Niall and his family. I started to tear up thinking about Greg and Denise having to go through this. There is no way I will let that happen. This monster would have to kill me first to get to Niall and his family. 

“Babe? What is wrong?” I just handed him the phone and turned away. I did not want to die, but I am risking to do it for the sake of anyone else. I heard Niall growl a low rumble. It was hot, but I cannot think about that right now. 

“Never would I let him hurt you, nor Theo. Ever.” He said kissing my cheek. “Promise.” He said as he grabbed my hand with the promise ring on it and fiddling with it. I smiled slightly at the memory of when he gave it to me. 

“What if something happens?” I asked, my voice cracking. 

“Never would I let it.” He vowed. He kissed my temple. I looked at our digital clock that I wanted to beat so many times. 11 pm. Two hours. Two hours. I do not even know if we will go. I want to just so I can get this over with. I want to know why he has been following me for months upon months. 

“We are not going.” Niall stated. It is as if he can read minds. 

“No, but I can hear.” He said laughing. 

“Why aren’t we going?”

“I do not want to risk anything. I don’t want to risk you.” 

“But, baby, I want to just confront... T-T-T-T.... It. I want to know why he has been doing this. I can’t even say his name. I just want it done and over, then we can come back, snuggle, sleep, whatever you want.” I said stroking his hair. 

“Promise?” He asked, agreeing to go, bringing his huge pinkie up. I wrapped my small one around his and we shook. 

“Stamp it.” We said in unison he pressed his lips to mine and pushed our thumbs together at the same time. That is what we do every time. Every time we promise. Every time we vow. Every time we tell each other some thing no one else needs to know. It is our thing. I bit his lip and he opened. We fought for dominance and he obviously won and we made out for a few minutes before I ran out of oxygen... Again. 

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