chapter thirty-three: THE DATE <3

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A/N: HEYYY, I'M FINALLY POSTING THE CHAPTER ABOUT THE DATE!!! I'm probably more excited than you, but I don't mind, hahah...

I hope you love it :D <3

Michelle’s point of view

I stepped out of the car and followed River from the parking spots to the beach. We looked for a good place to put our beach towels. The weather was great. We sat down and watched the sea. It was very quiet, there were only a few other people on the beach.

“River, I want to ask you something.” I said.

“I want to show you something first.” He said. He leant forward to kiss me. His hand touched my cheek. As soon as his lips touched mine, I closed my eyes. I couldn’t believe it! My FIRST kiss! I didn’t know what to do. Where should I put my hands? Do I have to move or sit still? I didn’t had much time to think, because River broke the kiss.

“What did you want to ask me?” he asked.

“Do you want to be my boyfriend?” I asked, still shaking from the kiss.

“Yes.” He answered.

“Really?” I just couldn’t believe it.

“Yes, really. I’ve had a crush on you for half a year now, but I was afraid to ask you. I heard from Katheryn that you liked me, so that’s why I kissed you.” He said.

“I was afraid to ask you too. It’s because of Kat that I asked you.” I laughed. Thank you Katheryn. I was so happy, this date almost couldn’t get better. The one thing that was missing, was a beautiful sunset. But I knew it would come in less than an hour.

“What are we going to do tonight?” River asked.

“We could take a walk.” I suggested. River stood up and then lifted me up. He put his arm around me, and I did the same. We walked and talked for half an hour before we returned to our place to watch the sunset. It was beautiful. We stood up to go home, but River interrupted me by kissing me again. His hands were on my cheeks, my hands on his shoulders. His mouth opened and I felt his tongue, so I opened mine too. But since I got my first kiss today, I still didn’t know what to do. What was I suppose to do with my tongue? I tried to do the same as River, but I think I failed. River slowly broke the kiss. I opened my eyes and stared in the shinny brown eyes of my boyfriend. Never thought I could think that. River and I collected the towels and walked back to his car. Best evening ever!

A/N: I know it was a little predictible, but a plot twist will come soon. What did you think of it???? Please let me know, so I can improve the following chapters.

I hope you likd it :D

bye xxx

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