chapter thirty-two: freaking out

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A/N: Sorry I haven't posted anything in a long time, but I had vacation (which meant studying for the test week I have next week), and I didn't had time/energy/inspiration to write. Luckily I already made a setup for the next chapter, so I should be able to post it somewhere next week. I hope you like it :D

Spencer’s point of view

I was stressing out. What if some drunk idiot crashed into River’s car? What if shoots her at random or- I needed to clear my head.

After I did several brain games, solved two riddles and watched an episode of Dr. Who, I still was worried. I grabbed my phone and called the only person who could help me: Derek Morgan.

“Hey Morgan.” I said, trying to sound like everything was alright.

“Hey pretty boy, are you okay?” he asked. I guess I need to call people more often, because I only seem to call when I’m not okay.

“Not entirely. Michelle is on her date and I’m freaking out because something could happen to her. I tried to clear my head. I did several brain games, solved two riddles and watched an episode of Dr. Who, but nothing seems to work. Can you please help me?” I begged.

“Okay. First, why are you so worried?” he asked.

“I don’t know, but since I met her eleven days back, I felt a connection with her that I can’t explain. I adopted her, because I couldn’t let her go. I wanted to make sure she is safe and feels happy. But I get this weird feeling when she kisses my cheek, hugs me, lays next to me while she’s asleep, even when she calls me ‘Spence’. And it’s a feeling I don’t understand. Sometimes I feel like she could have been my daughter, and sometimes I don’t know what I feel.” I said.

“Uhm… What about this: I’ll come to your house and than we talk about it. I think I can help better in person that through the phone.” He offered.

“Okay.” I answered.

“I’ll just grab some stuff and than I’ll be on my way.” He said.

“Alright. Should I order something to eat?” I asked.

“I haven’t had dinner yet and I’m starving, so… yeah.”

“Okay, I’ll see you when you get here. Bye.”


A/N: Heyy, they next chapter will be Michelle's date. I'm so curious what you will think of it! I hope you like it :D

bye xxx

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