Elemeno: Oh wow. That's amazing. Your parents okay with that?

Wishful: They're more than okay with it.

Elemeno: Alright. Thank you, Wishful. Next.

Sarah: Hi. I'm Sarah.

Elemeno: Sarah, where are you from?

Sarah: Lumiose City in Kalos.

Elemeno: Oh cool. Um...what do you aspire to be?

Sarah: Well...I really look up to Elesa. She's both a gym leader and a model. That's exactly what I want to be!

Elemeno: Which city do you plan to be the gym leader of?

Sarah: Father said that if I'm tough enough, I can become the gym leader of Lumiose.

Elemeno: Oh wow. Wait...are you related to Clemont by any chance?

Sarah: He's my father.

Elemeno: Alright. That's cool. Thanks. Next please.

Angel: Hm..

Elemeno: Hmm...hello. Where are you from?

Angel: Sinnoh.

Elemeno: Where in Sinnoh?

Angel: Veilstone.

Elemeno: Ah. That's cool. Are you a trainer?

Angel: Trainer/Coordinator.

Elemeno: Both?

Angel: Got a problem with that?

Elemeno: None, Miss Sassy.

Angel: Ugh. My mom texted me.

Elemeno: What did she tell you?

Angel: Don't be rude towards you. Ever.

Elemeno: Mothers know best. Anyway...go-to Pokemon?

Angel: Anything tough and can do well in contests.

Elemeno: Alright. Next.

Azure: Hey! My name is Azure.

Elemeno: Hello. So...where are you from, Azure?

Azure: Pallet Town in the Kanto region!

Elemeno: You got your first Pokemon from Professor Oak then?

Azure: Yup! My father is a close friend of his!

Elemeno: Like a former student or something?

Azure: No. They're the same age.

Elemeno: Really...that's weird.

Azure: It's not. They were rivals when they were younger. They got their first Pokemon from Professor Oak's grandfather, Professor Oak.

Elemeno: Wait...who is the Professor Oak you are referring to?

Azure: Professor Gary Oak.

Elemeno: Holy moly, what?!

Azure: Dad said it's hard to believe too.

Elemeno: So...do you plan on becoming a Pokemon Master?

Azure: Not really. I enjoy performing on shows. I have been helping my aunts out there for a while now.

Elemeno: I see. Thank you. Next.

Barry: HEY!

Elemeno: Hello.

Barry: My name is Barry.

Elemeno: We had someone named Barry here too.

Barry: Maybe that's my dad!

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