Budew Wonder Trade Part 2

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So...here we go! We have part 2 of the Budew wonder trade!

Oh...I realized...one of the Budew we traded out last time is named Miley. Miley was traded for a Gligar. Ash's Gligar (well...now a Gliscor) sticks it's tongue out all the time. Who else likes sticking their tongue out all the time? Miley Cyrus.

Sorry...my mind just got blown there.

Oh...and I wonder traded the first Eevee I got here...I still got an Eevee in return.

Anyway...here's the breakdown of the second half of our wonder trade session!

Budew: Drew XIII (#DrewInvasion)
For: Zigzagoon (Are you fudging kidding me? #ThemCommonHoennPokes)

Budew: Kayla
For: Pichu

Budew: Drew XIV
For: Fennekin

Budew: Drew XV
For: Totodile

Budew: Drew XVI
For: Sewaddle (named Seamer, finally a nicknamed one)

Budew: Drew XVII
For: Electrike

At this point, I timed it with WTW!

Budew: Drew XVIII
For: Zorua

Budew: Budew (Forgot to nickname this one...)
For: Treecko

Budew: Diana
For: Deino

Budew: Margi
For: Growlithe

Budew: Trina
For: Arcanine (okay...evolution hype)

Budew: Katheron
For: Azurill

Budew: Drew XIX
For: Wurmple (nicknamed...Bae...Drewbae????)

Budew: Drew XX (the last of the Budew Drew's...for now)
For: Basculin

Dang it...not getting power...

Budew: Jo
For: Nidoran Female (nicknamed Cana)

Budew: Christopher
For: Stunky (nicknamed Deoderant)

Eh...at least I'm getting nicknamed Pokémon. At this point, I used a name randomizer.

Budew: Dylan
For: Eevee (Ok...I'm serious about the Eevee party.)

Budew: Maximus
For: Chikorita (that is apparently nicknamed Nidoran Male...dang...)

Well...Nappy and PK are wonder trading away Nidoran...

Budew: Percy
For: Togepi (nicknamed Pit)

Budew: Alyshialynn (Unique name, randomizer)
For: Illumise

Budew: Cuthbert
For: Magikarp (*flips table*)

My luck...it sucks

Budew: Mervyn
For: Fennekin (#StarterParty)

Budew: Jeri
For: Absol

Budew: Meredith
For: Charmander

Oh yeah...I saw someone in the WTW comment section say that he got 2 Budew back-to-back. *slowly backs away*

Budew: Clea
For: Gastly

Budew: Koby
For: Honedge

I envy the people in the WTW comment section who say they got shiny. I WANT SHINIES!!!

Budew: Some Budew...uh...I wonder traded it without checking the name...I forgot the name *facepalm*
For: Murkrow

Budew: Ciara
For: Poochyena (*cries because of my bad luck*)

Budew: Trent
For: Zorua (nicknamed Zove)

Budew: Christen (last Budew)
For: Klink (*cries at my fail*)

So...WTW still going on...so...oh BTW...I'm typing while WTing. HEHE.

Let's wonder trade some more until WTW this week is done! I won't wonder trade the Pokémon I got today.

Pokémon: Furret
For: Delibird (*slams head on laptop*)

Pokémon: Dustox
For: Tepig (I like Tepig, but not looking for one right now. #PowerOfMyTepigStylus)

So...apparently I couldn't find a trade partner 6 times in a row. WHYYY???


Anyway...I wasn't lucky at all. At least I got nicknamed Pokémon.

So...um...let's train Bae the Wurmple!




I just want to see what it evolves into.



Idc if it's nicknamed Bae. I call it Drewbae. Because I traded of my Budew Drew for it.





OMG...here we go...what is Bae going to evolve into?



















It's a Cascoon! Okay. Yay. Bae will become a Dustox.


If you wanted Silcoon, too bad. Bae is not going to be a freaking Beautifly.

Oh kay....bye :P

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