Ash and Paul join the fun (CPCQ)

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Ash: Hey guys! Saw the Crazy Pokemon Character Quiz thing! Paul and I are joining.

Paul: He is joining. Not me.

Drew: Cool.

Gary: Paul Shinji, you're joining whether you like it or not.

Paul: Make me.

Gary: We could call Kenny or Conway to come over.

Paul: Fine.

Drew: guys done with your list?

Ash: Yup. Even Paul has one!

Paul: Yeh.

Gary: Ok...we'll also do the new ones later...but for guys start! Start with 'Death By...'

Ash: Barry is forced to kill Serena.

Gary: Ooohh.

Ash: Um...I don't know how he's gonna do it.

Drew: Think of anything.

Ash: Um...Barry didn't feed her for days.

Gary: *sigh* How about you Paul?

Paul: Ash is forced to kill Silver. He used his Pokemon to attack Silver. The end.

Ash: Why me?

Paul: You're my number 14 on the list.

Ash: oh.

Drew: Next is 'Wedding Crasher'

Ash: Trevor and Dawn are getting married.

Gary: Ooh!

Paul: Shut up, Gary

Ash: Tracey will crash this by drawing all the Pokemon present.

Gary: Guess that makes sense.

Paul: Jace and Bonnie are getting married.

Ash and Gary: Oooh.

Paul: Brock crashes this by singing 'Takeshi's Paradise'

Gary: up is 'Fanfic'

Ash: I get to write a fanfic about Paul and May.

Gary: OOH. Outcryshipping.

Drew and Paul: *glares at Gary*

Ash: The fanfic is about Paul and May talking about May's feelings for Drew.

Drew: OOH. Contestshipping FTW!

Gary: That moment when it was Drew who just said that.

Ash: Yup.

Paul: I get to write a fanfic about Iris and Milani. Milani helps Iris get over her fear of ice by letting her stay with Olaf for a month.

Gary: Olaf? Frozen reference?

Ash: Yay! Pokemon in Arendelle!

Drew: Love that.

Gary: Of course you do, Drewbae. That's where the Drewbae nickname started.

Drew: Ugh.

Gary: Next is 'Forced Marriage'

Ash: Milani is forced to marry either Bonnie, Drew or Tracey.

Drew: Me? Seriously?

Ash: I'll go for Tracey. Bonnie is out of the question and Drew is Milani's cousin.

Gary: Oh boy. This is getting crazy.

Paul: Serena is forced to marry either Zoey, Barry or Brock. I'll choose Brock because he knows housework. He'll be a good man to have around the house.

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