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Milani: Owie

Drew: What's wrong Mils?

Milani: My fingers got burns.

Drew: Why?

Milani: Because I saved a Meowth from a burning house.

Drew: yeah right.

Gary: Sup losers.

Drew: Said the loser

Milani: Burn, Gary!

Gary: Huh? I'm not the clumsy one who burned her fingers.

Drew: Ooh. Burn, Mils.

Milani: You two are idiots.

Ash: Hello.

Milani: Sup Ketchup.

Pikachu: Pika!!!

Ash: Pikachu, she doesn't have any ketchup.

Gary: Burn, Pikachu!

Pika: Pikaaaa-chuuuuuuu *thunderbolts Gary*

Milani: Burn, Gary.

Paul: Idiots.

Gary: He...he...hello...Paul

Paul: Whatever.

Milani: So...bye.

Stuck With Them Pokemon PeepsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ