Some Get Extra Crazy (CPCQ)

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HEYY!!! So yeah...this shall be the product of a sorta sleepless mind. I slept 2AM last night because I stayed up watching Pokémon AMVs (specifically Contestshipping and the one with the fabulous Cilan). I also watched some funny 5SOS videos. I woke up at 8AM, which is kinda late for me...which is weird. I'm usually awake at 6AM. I am kinda a morning person. Oh yeah...I had to do some work that requires yeah.

At least the guys playing CPCQ is fun. That's what we're gonna do!!!


Gary: At long last...we got an update for CPCQ!!!

Ash: Hurrah!

Gary: It's just one update, but it's a speed round.

Ash: Hurrah!

Gary: It is entitled, 'LOVE'.

Ash: Hurrah?

Drew: We are gonna lose it again.

Jace: Oh brother.

Paul: Whatever.

Gary: Let's get started with number one!!! Ash says he loves me. WHAT?!

Drew: Lol. Palletshipping.

Ash: UGH.

Gary: NAY. Get away from me, Ash.

Ash: UGH.

Drew: Harley says he loves me. Oh why. *gags*

Jace: I'll take that as a nay.

Ash: Um...Trevor says he loves me. Uh...nay...sorry Trevs.

Paul: Ok. WTF. Jace says he loves me. Get away.

Drew: Hehe. I'm the only one who wasn't shipped with any of you here.

Jace: Oh no. May says she loves me.

Drew: HUH?

Gary: *sings* Baby now we got bad blood.

Ash: Hey!

Jace: Nay for May.

Drew: K.

Gary: Number two! Uh...I am interested in both Drew and my cheerleaders. I must choose.

Drew: Remember, you dumped those cheerleaders.

Gary: Are you implying that you want me to choose you?!

Paul: WTF.

Ash: OH!

Jace: Yikes.

Drew: No.

Gary: Ok...I choose my cheerleaders. I'll get away from Drew forever.

Drew: Good.


Drew: Youngster Joey is interested in both Max and Jonny. What the heck? Uh...let him go to Jonny. Haha.

Ash: Why?

Jace: Simple. He doesn't want Youngster Joey as his in-law.

Drew: Right you are, Jacey-Wacey.

Jace: Ugh.

Ash: So...Trip is interested in both Serena and Barry. I guess he should go for Serena.

Gary: Ouch...

Drew: Are you an Amourshipper now, Gary?

Gary: Kinda. Ok...not really.

Paul: Hmm...May is interested in both Silver and Ash.

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