Someone took the game a bit too seriously

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I was randomly scanning through comments when She Looks So Perfect this happened


Gary: *singing in the shower* Simmer down, Simmer down. They say we're too young now to amount to anything else. But look around, we worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now. If you don't swim, you'll drown. But don't move...honey! *leaves shower* *puts on underwear* *looks for his pants* WHO THE F**K TOOK MY PANTS?! *goes out of the bathroom*

(at the living room)

Milani: *reading something on her tablet*

Drew: *playing his bass...I mean Jace's bass*

May: *eating cookies*

Leaf: *watching TV*

Dawn: *reading a magazine*

Paul: *reading a book*

Misty: *cleaning her mallet*

Ash: *playing with Pikachu*

Gary: *enters room* WHO THE F**K STOLE MY PANTS?

Ash: Don't swear, Gary.

Gary: I MEAN IT!

*everyone turns around and laughs*

Gary: Hey! What's funny?

Leaf: Oh my god, Gary.

Milani: Shall we sing?

Misty: We shall.

Milani, Misty, May and Dawn: *sings* You look so perfect standing there in my American Apparel underwear!

Leaf: *sings* and I know now...that I'm so down.

*everyone burst into laughter except Gary*

Gary: *looks down* F**k. Someone stole my pants while I was taking a shower. WHO DID IT?

Everyone: Not me.

Misty: Hmm...I think Max wanted to use the bathroom.

Drew: He did steal my pants once.

Milani: Max kinda took the game seriously.

Girls: What game?

Milani: CPCQ. The guys are playing it.

May: Cool!

Gary: HEY!

Misty: *sings* Heyy-ey-ey. Hey-ey-ey!

Gary: My pants?

Dawn: Hmm...maybe Silver did it. Lyra told me once that we have peeping at a window and then the next thing you know he stole a Pokemon. He did keep the Pokemon, though, because he changed for the better over time.

Gary: What the heck would Silver do with my pants?

Leaf: Good point. Who returned to their rooms when Gary was showering?

May: I think Serena.

Misty: I don't Serena would do that.

Drew: True.

Jessie: *pops up with James and Meowth* Prepare for trouble!

James: And make it double!

Gary: Not now, Team Rocket!

Team Rocket: *laughs at Gary*

Gary: *looks at James* WAIT! Are those my pants?

James: *looks at his shoulder* GAH! How'd those get there?

Gary: Don't act dumb even though you idiots are dumb. Give me back my pants!

James: Su-

Meowth: No way, underwear boy!

Jessie: Yeah! You might be the next American Apparel underwear model. I mean...they have to censor your face and photoshop the body to make it more attractive.

Gary: HEY! Ugh! Umbreon, I choose you! Get my pants.

Umbreon: *kicks Team Rocket's faces and gets Gary's pants*

Gary: Thanks, Umbreon. Now use Night Shade!

Umbreon: *uses Night Shade*

Team Rocket: Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again! *blasts off*

Gary: Finally. They're gone.

Umbreon: *chuckling*

Gary: Not you too, Umbreon. Give me my pants!

Umbreon: *runs around while biting on Gary's pants*


Umbreon: *goes inside another room*

Gary: *follows Umbreon out of the room*

Paul: That was weird.

Everyone else: *laughs hysterically*

Leaf: Okay guys. I ain't even mad at James for stealing Gary's pants. That was so freaking hilarious!

Drew: I know.

Ash: They should always try to steal Gary's pants instead of Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pika pika!

Misty: Hey, Ash! Want to have a soda?

Ash: Sure, Mist!

May: Ooh! I want soda too!

Drew: I'm in too.

Leaf: Me three!

Milani: Me four!

Dawn: Me five! Paul, you coming?

Paul: I'll catch up with you guys later.

Dawn: Okay.

*everyone leaves except Paul*

Paul: *smirks* They never suspected a thing.


Just something. Haha. This is based out of PoreeCookie's answer on 'Pants' of CPCQ.

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