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In which the Pokémon Characters in the anime discover the Pokémon Games...


Gary: I weeneh pleh sem Temedeche Lef.

Drew: Well the 3DS is here.

Ash: I don't wanna play that. It's pretty messed up.

Drew: Yeah...apparently Novelshipping is canon in that game. And Barry and Leaf.


Ash: Novelshipping?! NOOOO!!!

Drew: This isn't Tomodachi Life.

Gary: Pokémon Alpha Sapphire?

Ash: A Pokémon Game?

Gary: Should we open it?

Drew: Let's check it out.

Gary: Whoa.

Ash: Ooh Beautifly!

Gary: What the? Is that a Primal Kyogre?

Drew: Yep. Um...let's continue the game?

Ash: Sure.

Drew: What in the?

Gary: The character looks just like May.

Ash: I think that is May.

Drew: Yep.

Gary: Whoa. She can tiptoe.

Ash: What kind of Pokémon does she have?

Drew: A lot.

Gary: Her Pokedex has identified over 700 Pokémon?

Drew: What?! She has an Arceus?

Ash: It's even a different color.

Gary: Mother of...she has a lot of legendary Pokémon. She even beats me in terms of catching Pokémon.

Drew: Huh?

Ash: Back when Gary was still a trainer, he caught way too many Pokémon that they overpopulate the Professor's garden.

Drew: Wow.

Elemeno: Who dares touch my game?!

Drew: I guess this is hers.

Elemeno: Hi.

Drew: Why do you look just like May in this game?

Elemeno: I had no choice.

Gary: So...can we play?

Elemeno: Fine. Just don't trade my Pokémon and don't delete my save file!

Gary: We won't.

Drew: What can we do here...Eon Flute?

Ash: Is that a Latias?!

Gary: Didn't you get kissed by a Latias once?

Ash: Uh...I don't remember.

Drew: A Mega Latias? And we're riding on it?

Gary: We can go places!

Ash: Can we get to Pallet Town?

Gary: No, Ash. This only covers Hoenn.

Ash: They should make a game that has all the regions.

Gary: That's impossible. Drew, can I play?

Drew: No. I'm looking for LaRousse City.

Elemeno: It's not in the game, Drew.

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