Ash and Gary play Pokemon Emerald

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Gary: I'm bored.

Ash: Yeah. Hey...what's that?

Gary: Pokémon Emerald?


Gary: Play we shall! *boots game*

Ash: OOH.

Gary: Hey! There's no save file here. We can start our own game.

Ash: Leh do dit!

Gary: So...Professor Birch is giving us this lecture. Blah blah blah. I've heard this from gramps before.

Ash: Are we a boy or a girl?

Gary: So...if we're a guy, we get to be Brendan. Otherwise, we're May.

Ash: So...we're going for May or Brendan?

Gary: Well...since May is our friend...WAIT...I got an awesome idea!

Ash: What is it?

Gary: Let's go be Brendan.

Ash: He's asking our name now.

Gary: PERFECT! His name shall be...

Ash: Brendan. Duh.

Gary: No...he shall be....DREW!

Ash: Drew as Brendan? What?!

Gary: It's the ultimate twist.

Ash: This is going to be so messed up.

Gary: Why are we in a moving truck?

Ash: Why are we alone with boxes?

Gary: stopped.

Ash: We're in Littleroot Town!

Gary: I guess that's our mom.

Ash: Mrs. Hayden.

Gary: No...she's not Mrs. Hayden.

Ash: Oh.

Gary: Okay...some Vigoroth are moving our stuff. Weird.

Ash: We shall go to our room and fix the clock!

Gary: Time fixed.

Ash: Hey...Norman's on TV. I wonder if that's the same Norman we know.

Gary: He's apparently our dad.

Ash: Mr. Hayden?

Gary: Okay...we should go say hi to the neighbors!

Ash: To the neighbors!

Gary: So...May is our neighbor.

Ash: Be nice, Drew.

Gary: Huh? There's only a Pokeball in May's room?

Ash: Interact with it...there's May!

Gary: Oh hello, May. What the heck? Why is she acting like she has seniority over us?

Ash: She's been helping her dad with his research.

Gary: Wait...MAY IS A BIRCH?!

Ash: The gameverse is so different.

Gary: So I guess no May Maple. Just May Birch.

Ash: Drew's not gonna wanna hear that.

Gary: Yep. Okay...we should go...where now?

Ash: Hey! Professor Birch is being chased by that Zigzagoon! We should help him.

Gary: Which Pokémon should we use? I say...for the biggest twist...let's go for Torchic.

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