More CPCQ Fun with the Boys!

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Gary: Goys! There's a new update on CPCQ!

Ash: Yay!

Paul: Great.

Drew: We shall lose our sanity once again.

Jace: *enters room* Drew!

Drew: I'll return your bass tomorrow!

Jace: Fine.

Gary: Jace! What are you gonna do for today?

Jace: I was gonna practice my bass, but some grasshead refuses to return it.

Drew: *raises hand* the grasshead.

Ash: Hey Jace! Do you wanna play CPCQ with us?

Jace: Oh the character quiz thing? No thanks.

Ash: Aw. It'll be fun. You get to list 25 people and then put them in crazy situations!

Jace: I know how it works. I just don't feel like playing.

Gary: Hey! Do you want to at least stay with us? You don't have anything good to do anyway.

Jace: Fine.

Gary: WOOHOO! Let's now play, CPCQ!

Ash: La! La! La! We should make a theme song.

Paul: No.

Drew: Oh.'s nice that Umbreon decided to return your pants.

Gary: Yeah. Can't believe Team Rocket stole them.

Paul: *mentally laughs*

Ash: Let's get started guys! This first one is called 'Closet'

Gary: Ok...I saw Paul and Milani in my closet. They were...

Paul: *glares at Gary*

Gary: Um...they stole my pants!

Paul: The f**k? You found out?!

Jace: What?

Gary: Wait...what?!

Paul: Nothing. Milani did it. Who else?

Jace: did it, didn't you, Paul?

Paul: I said Milani did it.

Jace: Why did you freak out a while ago then?

Ash: Ooh! Busted!

Gary: You suck, Paul.

Paul: You suck too.

Drew: turn. Bonnie and Bianca are in my closet. They were working on some coloring books there because they didn't want to get caught coloring.

Gary: BOO.

Ash: Ok. Tracey and Brock are in my closet. They are planning to surprise me with breakfast in bed! FOOD.

Jace: You always think about food, Ash.

Ash: FOOD!

Paul: And for me...Brock and Max are in my closet. They were spying on me, and I have no idea why, but they just are. I caught them and I kicked them out the closet. They never returned.

Jace: Ok.

Gary: Jace, this would be a lot more fun if you join in!

Jace: Eh.

Drew: I'm glad we haven't lost our sanity yet.

Gary: Ok...the next one is 'Do you ship?'

Ash: Oh. Another yay, nay, maybay.

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