3.7: Read at your own risk

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Congratulations! You just started reading another useless part of this book called S.coupstas tu is Calling.

The author of this book just wants me to tell you that she published her second S.coups fanfic. Yes, she is self-promoting again and it's annoying. She wants me to tell you that she's sorry. It's just that she's really bored so she decided to watch videos, and she happened to watch S.coupstas tu, D.O.P and Boonon's (fanboy version) cover of Haru Haru. Day by day is one of the songs she borrowed lyrics from for that letter you wrote (Refer to 4.5: You're Wrong from the first book if you don't remember). Just saying. Sorry.

After falling in love with S.coups all over again, she decided to publish it already rather than wait because she isn't a very patient person. She enjoys rush and the sudden surge of stupidity. Now, she wants me to invite you to read it. She's really annoying and bossy. I hate her.

That's all. I hope to talk to you again. If every she'll let me do that again. She's not used to being calm, but she's an expert in having blank expressions.

-Author's fake calm fangirl version she shows when she wants to fangirl but she's in a very quiet place with serious people around

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