2.0: Trying to Make Things Right

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"We'll have recordings later so I might be late, but I'll fetch you, jagiya." Jisoo told you as he drove.

He's holding your hand with his free hand. He occasionally squeezes it as if assuring himself you're still there beside him. You haven't talked about what happened in Minhee's birthday party. And if ever he'll bring it up, you're ready to put your earphones on. You don't know what you should tell him because you don't understand what you feel.

"We're here. Take care, jagi. Have a great day. Don't overwork, okay?" He said.
"Ok. Thanks." You said smiling at him.
"I love you, Y/N-ah." He said leaning closer to you to kiss you, but you pulled away and awkwardly smiled at him.
"Thanks. See you tonight." You said before going out of the car and into the coffeeshop.

You let out a sigh when you heard his car go. You escaped him this time, but you can't hide everything forever. Telling him you still love Seungcheol is betraying him. Telling him you love him now is betraying yourself. He doesn't deserve this, but he doesn't deserve a heartache either.

You shook the thought away and started working. It feels strange. You feel uncomfortable doing something you always do. You even put too many espresso shots in a drink. And by too many, I mean 6 shots.

"Y/N-ah, are you okay? What were you thinking when you put all those shots?! You supposed to make a tea latte, not a monster espresso!" She told you.
"I'm sorry. I'm just..."
"Are you sick or something? Did you have a fight with your boyfriend?" She asked you worriedly. She's not just the barista. She has become your friend already. Maybe you can consider her your bestfriend.
"Neither." You said shaking your head.
"Really? Oh. Come on, Y/N! Just take some rest for now. I can handle this. Go in your office now." She said pushing you towards your office.
"Are you sure? You know I'm fine. I just spaced out earlier."
"I'm very much sure you're not, Y/N. Go. Rest. I'll shout for help if I need it, ok?"

You nodded as a reply and sat in your office. You don't have much work to do actually, so staying in your office is probably the most boring thing you can ever do. You decided to just get your laptop and browse sites. You watched videos and read news articles about Seventeen. It turns out they're having a concert tour soon. How could you not know that?! You, their leader's girlfriend, I mean ex-girlfriend, but still. You're still the girlfriend of one of them, but not S.coups unfortunately.

You did a lot of fangirling the whole day, doing things you used to do before. You felt like you're living your life two years ago again, when you were just a fan, not Jisoo's girlfriend, Seungcheol's ex, just a fan who dreamt of meeting them. But, you did to act the way you should, act like who you are supposed to be now. You got up and went out of your office in a hurry.

"Dahye!" You're in so much rush you shouted her name making her and some of the people in the coffeeshop look at you like you just gone crazy.
"What? Why are you shouting?!" She asked you walking towards you so you won't shout again.
"Uhhh...sorry. I need to go for now. Do you mind if I go? I mean I'll only go if it's fine." You said making her look at you worriedly.
"Where are you going?" You stood there thinking of an excuse. Is it okay to tell her? Why not?
"I'm going to see Jisoo oppa." You said.

She tried to hide her shock, but you know you shocked her. You just don't know why. He's your boyfriend. What's so shocking about a girl visiting her boyfriend?

"Oh...I see. Go then. I'll take care of your shop." She told you patting your shoulder.
"Thanks!" You took your bag on your office table and walked towards the front door.
"And, Y/N-ah," Dahye called you just as you're about to go out.
"I think I deserve higher salary, for acting as the manager sometimes." She said grinning.
"Then I deserve it too, for working as a barista too almost everyday." You told her with a smile before going out.

You arrived at the company building still not knowing what to say or do at all. You just thought you should see Joshua. You're his girlfriend, but you're not acting that way. Maybe it's time you act that way. He deserves it after all.

"Y/N-ah!!!" You're in front of the elevator thinking what to tell him when you heard someone call you.
You quickly turned and saw Minghao. "Oppa,"
"You visited...your boyfriend?" His statement turned into a question.
"Yeah. And you guys too. But I think I should talk to him first." You said. He nodded.
"Ok. Then, you should come with me. I'm on my way to the practice room. I think he's there."
"MY BABY Y/N-AH!~" A cheerful shout was heard.

Someone suddenly hugged you tightly from behind. Who else should it be? No one else calls you baby. Soonyoung is hugging you too tightly now.

"Uh. Ugh! Oppa, oppa. It hurts. Can you...loosen your hug?" You told him hardly breathing.
"Oh! Sorry! Sorry! I just missed you!~" He said pouting cutely like a squishy hamster. You almost forgot about his solo stage years ago.
"It's okay. I missed you too." You told him smiling.
"Wait. Why are you here? Need anything?!"
"She came to visit us, but she needs to talk to Jisoo hyung first." Minghao answered him for you.
"Oh! That's great! Y/N-ah, I have a lot to tell you! But first, let's get you to your lover boy. Gaja!~" He said pulling you into the elevator with him.

The8 came with you too smiling. Hoshi started telling you stories even before the elevator door closed.

"Oh! And I think we're going to add my solo track in our repackage album! Right, Hao?" Hoshi said excitedly.
"Right." Minghao answered while nodding.
"And also, oh wait! Have you eaten lunch?" Soonyoung asked you. "I have granola bars here! Want some?"
"Hyung, I think she deserves real food for lunch." The8 said making you laugh a little.
"Oh my Minghao! How dare you say that about this gorgeous granola bars! Granola bar is real food! I saw you eating some from Jun's bag yesterday! Don't you dare deny it! And now you're, you're saying it's not real food!"

You just shook your head smiling at how Hoshi is defending his 'gorgeous' granola bars. Fortunately, the elevator reached the right floor. You immediately walk out of the elevator and started walking to the practice room. You opened the door expecting a bunch of boys running around having fun, but when you entered, only Wonwoo was there. He looks like he's sleeping.

"Where are they?" You asked no one at all.
"Y/N-ah, we ran into Mingyu. He said Jisoo hyung is recording something right now." Hoshi told you as he reached the practice room.
"Oh. Then, I'll just wait here."
"Ok. I have to leave you for now. Mingyu said I need to go record my part too."
"Ok. Good luck!" You told him. He grinned at you before leaving.

You sat on the floor and leaned against the wall. Wonwoo is sleeping peacefully on two tables on the other side of the room. You scanned the room looking for something to entertain you while waiting when you remembered something. Just a few feet away from where you are sitting now is where S.coups asked you what else he needs to do to have you. You smiled remembering everything, his voice, his smirk, his breath against your skin. But then, you remembered Jisoo came that time. You shook the thought of Seungcheol away. You're here to act as Jisoo's girlfriend, not to smile over your past relationship.

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