0.3: Smile Again

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"The boys said the food is great." Jisoo told you as he drove.

He woke you up earlier with a sweet whispered good morning. You ate breakfast together with his housekeeper who's a bit older than him. He's now driving you home.

"The food you gave yesterday, the one in the boxes. They're asking me why I suddenly disappeared. They said I missed the best dinner they ever had together. I know you're the one who cooked those." He told you with a few glances at you.
"Oh. That. Yes, I cooked those myself."
"Can you cook for me too someday, Y/N-ah?"
"Ofcourse! Why not?"

He just smiled. Silence filled the air again. You stared at your seat. You suddenly remembered what Seungcheol said. "The prettiest should sit beside the most handsome." You smiled as you remember this.

"Oppa, thanks for last night." You told Joshua.
"You don't need to thank me. It's nothing. Just don't cry again. It makes me sad."
"No. Not that. About the text message." You said making him look at you quickly.
"Oh. That. Well, I just thought you'll be able to sleep well if 'Seungcheol' sent you a message. Did it work?" He asked you.
"It's probably the best message I got this week! Thanks, oppa!"
"I can keep sending you messages as Seungcheol if you want." He suddenly said making your smile disappear.
"If it makes you happy, I'll be very happy to do so. We're here."

He stopped in front of your apartment and got out to open the door for you. He left after. He said he'll visit you soon. You took a quick bath and headed to work again.

"Y/N-ah," The barista, Dahye suddenly called you while you're just looking around.
"You look extra happy today. What happened?" She asked you making you smile even brighter.
"Nothing. Nothing much." You told her as you remembered the text message.

You know it's from Jisoo, but it still makes you happy. You haven't talked to S.coups for so long now. It's good to talk to him even just through a fake S.coups. Your phone suddenly vibrated.

[Jagiya, have you eaten yet? It's almost lunchtime. Don't skip lunch! I love you! -Seungcheol]

It's another text message from Jisoo, but you still smiled. He's making such effort to make you happy.

"I ate already. You should eat too. I love you too, Seungcheol." You replied.

"See?! It's not 'nothing much'. You're smiling now like crazy because someone texted you, right? Who's that?" Dahye asked you.
"What? It's nothing. Really. Nothing at all, unnie. Let's go back to work." You told her.

Soon, you realized she already told every employee of the coffeeshop about you smiling after reading a message from your alleged boyfriend. They started teasing you. You can't help but laugh a little when they do because obviously they don't know it's just a message from a fake S.coups.

Time passed by so quickly. Soon, you realized it's almost 9. The coffeeshop is almost empty. There's only a group of teenagers gathered around in a table. They look like they're having a group study. You heard the door open as you clean one of the tables.

"Ms. Y/N, I have a delivery for you." Someone behind you said.

You immediately turned around and saw Jisoo with a face mask carrying a beautiful bouquet. Your co-workers gasped and started to gather around the two of you excitedly.

"Oppa, why are you...what's that?" You asked him unsure what else to say.
"Bringing these pretty flowers to an even prettier lady from her loving boyfriend." He said and even with his face mask on, you know he's smiling.
"Oh! So this man is the reason why our manager here has been smiling all day." Dahye said.

And everyone went wild. They started cheering on Jisoo and asked the two of you to kiss. These people don't really know what's happening.

"Come on, guys. It's not like-" You started to explain but he pressed a finger on your lips.
"It's alright, Y/N-ah. It's just a kiss." He said.

Just a kiss?! He slowly leaned closer to you. You stepped backwards but a table is behind you so you had no place to go. He held your shoulders to steady you.

For your loyalty's sake, don't let this happen! Even if he's Joshua Hong! He's just a super attractive, kind and talented gentleman who plays guitar anywhere he wants and has a honey-like voice. Being called Jisoos suits him.

"Just imagine I'm really him." He whispered before removing his face mask and kissing your cheek.

The cheering got louder, but you're just frozen there. If not for Joshua's tap on your shoulder, you would be frozen there forever. The kiss just struck you like lightning although it's just on your cheek.

"Oh! Isn't he Joshua oppa?!" One of the servers asked.
"Yes. I'm Seventeen's Joshua. It's nice to meet you all." Jisoo said bowing a little.

Some gasped while others just stared with widened eyes. You don't know what to do. The employees already know you are friends with Dino and Mingyu. Now they think Jisoo is your 'boyfriend'.

"Y/N-ah, you may go with him if you want. We can manage a few more minutes here. We'll be closing later. Go enjoy your night with your man!" Dahye told you.
You wanted to object and tell them the truth but Joshua squeezed your arm lightly. "Thank you! I'm sorry I have to take your manager with me tonight. I just really missed her." He said before kissing your forehead.
"Oh! No worries, oppa. She's all yours!"

Jisoo took your things and led you out to his car. You just stared at the road as he drove again.

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