0.7: Dalgogi

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"Oppa, here. I cooked some chicken soup for..." You said as you walked to the living room only to find him asleep on the couch.

He must be really tired from their hectic schedule and running in the rain last night triggered his cold. You covered him with a blanket to keep him warm. You sat beside the couch and just stared at him.

Anyone would be very lucky to be his girl. You would love to be that girl but someone already owns your heart. But as you look at him, seeing his weak and fragile side makes you wonder why he even does things for you. You're just his friend at the same time, his friend's ex-girlfriend. He should be making efforts on some other girl he likes, not just on some friend like you who needs someone to do things for her to be happy.

"Ahjumma! Dalgogireul jogeum meogeodo doegesseumnikka?" He shouted.

This sick guy is sleep talking too. What is he even dreaming of? He's asking for chicken. Well, he likes chicken. What else do you expect?

"Oppa, wake up already. I have chicken soup here for you. You're asking for chicken, right?" You said as you patted his cheek to wake him up.
"Chicken!~" He suddenly grabbed and pinched your cheeks.
"Aaahh~ Y/N-ah? Ne...Deo geunyeoreul sarang..."

You slowly stood up trying to think clearly. You're not an expert in Korean. What he said confuses you. You quickly took your phone and searched for the translation.

The translation you saw just made you even more confused. Why did he say that? And, who is he talking to? You shook the thought away. You still have more important things to do than think of that like feeding Joshua.

"Oppa, wake up. Oppa!" You said as you shook him awake.

He still doesn't wake up. He's just smiling. What kind of dream is he having? He looks so happy. You got distracted by his smile you almost forgot what you're supposed to do. You smiled when you remembered something.

"JISOO OPPA, HWAITING!!!" You shouted to wake him up. He almost fell from the couch when he woke up shocked.
"HWAITING!!!" He shouted too half-awake.

You can't help but laugh at his reaction. He stared at you for a while until he realized what's happening.

"Yah! You shouldn't laugh at your oppa! You startled me you know!" He told you a little embarrassed.
"Sorry, oppa. I had to wake you up. You should eat." You replied suppressing your laughter.
"...it's fine. Just don't do it again. You gave me a heart attack." He said as he sat up properly.
"Here. I cooked chicken soup for you." You said as you hand him the bowl of chicken soup. Instead of taking it, he just stared at you. "What?"
"Feed me." He told you blankly.
"Oppa is too weak to feed myself. Feed me, Y/N-ah." He said tilting his head to the right.
"Uhhh...okay." You said making him smirk.

You awkwardly fed him. He looks better now. Not so pale anymore. In fact, his cheeks are a bit red. You suddenly remembered your dream.

"Oppa, can I ask you something?" You asked him when he's done eating.
"Ne. What is it?"
"...nevermind." You said as you stood up to bring the bowl to the kitchen.
"Yah! What is it?" He immediately grabbed your wrist to stop you.
"Uhhh...is it delicious?" You asked him instead of the actual question in your mind.
"It is. Why are you asking all of a sudden?"
"Nothing! Go back to sleep, oppa. You need lots of rest." You told him smiling before running to the kitchen.

You still find that dream strange. You started to wonder if he really has feelings for you like what he said in the dream.

You touched your lips and remembered how real the kiss in the dream felt. And, that satisfying feeling is what you hate the most because you feel like you're cheating on Seungcheol.

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