Change is in the Air 31

Start from the beginning

"What do you want?" Demitri asked.

"I want you to agree to help me so I can get you out of this cell now," he replied. "I need you to get the scepter and I still need Kailani's help. She's goint to be a lot more helpful if she isn't angry you're in a cell. Not to mention I won't have to have someone keep watch to try and know when I need to give you breaks from here."

"I want to see Kailani," Demitri stated. "I'm not agreeing to anything before I speak to her." Marius nodded and abruptly stepped away from the wall and left the cell.


Kailani sat quietly in the main room of Marius' lair watching a few people tending to a few injuries. Marius' group had suffered only a few minor injuries and for the most part were ready to do battle again if needed. Still a few had suffered a couple of cuts. One of them had received a large cut from Ramiero.

As Kailani's thoughts drifted to Ramiero her mind played over their last encounter. Ramiero had tried to harm two of her friends that she knew of. It had forced an altercation between her and Ramiero. Poseidon's daughter could still see both the shock and then anger that had crossed Ramiero's face when she'd injured him. She had no doubt that if given the chance Ares' hot tempered son would strike her down.

Hearing a grunt Kailani's eyes shifted back to the present and her eyes fell on Saar not too far away. "Are you alright?" Kailani said quickly approaching his side. "Is there something I can get you?"

"No, I'm alright," Poseidon's son replied. "Just still sore; a few moves are painful."

"Your wound?" Kailani asked looking down toward the bandage.

"Healing," The blonde man replied. "It's more a bruise now." He saw her look at his head and added, "Head is better too. Though I owe you for me being as well off as I am; not to mention alive."

"I'm glad you're doing better," Kailani told him. "Hopefully you'll be completely healed soon."

"I doubt Ramiero will be moving as well." Kailani looked into her brother's hazel eyes. "I heard you took a sword to Ramiero."

"He went after Justine," she replied. "I didn't have much of a choice." Her voice was a mixture of disappointment and sadness. Saar looked at her questioningly and she said, "I never wanted to be in the middle of any of this. I don't want to fight. I tried to leave and stay out of it but..."

"No one will let you," Saar finished. Poseidon's son watched as his half-sister looked disappointed before looking down. "They're right." Kailani looked up at him. "You're a lot of things Kailani but power hungry isn't one of them."

"Don't take this wrong but I'm not sure exactly how to take that," she replied.

Saar chuckled before grimacing as he grabbed his stomach. Saar was healing nicely but things still caused him pain; simple things such as laughter. "Given our history or at least my side of it I understand," he said once he could speak. "You're brave, kind, and strong. Brave and Strong is not abnormal but kind is not readily available amongst our kind."

"Narissa is kind," Kailani reminded him. "Demitri is kind."

"Yes but neither are as strong as us," Saar informed her. "Demi's that belong to Aphrodite, Dionysus, and some of the others have some offspring that are kind but there are also many that are vain. Vanity leads to a need for power but not always physical power or ability power," He told her.

"What do you mean?" Kailani asked.

"Amongst the daughters of Aphrodite the majority of them want to be viewed as the most beautiful," Saar explained. "They want to be the most desirable and will at time go to great lengths to show they are the daughter the men all want."

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