When they arrived at the cafe, Will asked, "So, what are you gonna order?"

Nico wasn't paying attention, for he was a little concerned about the number of people surrounding them.


"What? I'm sorry, there's just..."

"I know. Do you want to get the order to-go?" The blond suggested.

"No, it's fine. I'll be okay," he insisted.

"Okay, whatever ever you say," Will said, rolling his eyes. He then bent down and whispered, "I'll keep you safe, Sunshine. I always will."

"Do you have the...willpower?" Nico giggled at his own joke.

That  fucking laugh of his is going to be the death of me, Will thought dreamily. He then let go of his hand and walked up to the line.

Nico followed him. "Uhh, what do I order?"


"Yeah, I suppose food sounds good."

"I usually order the nachos, the Mac and cheese, or the quesadillas, though sometimes I switch it up. They have everything here," Will told him.

"Uh, I'll just have the nachos, I guess. I don't feel like deciding right now." The shorter boy bit his lip. "Could you..."

Will cut him off. "Order? Yes. I'll just order a large size, and we can share!" He squealed like a small girl.

The dark eyed boy elbowed him in the ribs. "Shut the fuck up! You're embarrassing me."

"Fine. Be that way."

They'd eventually made their way to the front of the line, and Nico knew people were staring. It was Will's fault, though.

"Hi, I'd like a large order of the deluxe nachos with two drink cups, please," the blond told the cashier, sliding her a twenty.

"Alright, sounds good." She then typed into the keypad, gave them cups, change, and a number to place on their table.

Will took a cup and handed it to Nico, but he shook his head. "Could...you get it? I don't have a good relationship with soda machines." His face was tinted slightly pink.

"Of course, Sunshine. I won't even ask why. What do you want?"

"Coke is fine."

"Okay. You can find a table then," Will told him, putting the change in his pocket and handing his friend the number.

Nico did so and stalked off to find the table with the least amount of people around it, while Will filled both cups with soda.

They both met back at the table, where Will set the cups down and sat across from Nico. The other boy was being rather quiet now, but the blond wasn't sure if it was his place to ask.

Well, he was his friend, so he was going to ask.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Roommates//Solangelo AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن