10: Kiss in the Rain [Jacksepticeye]

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It was so stupid and yet you loved the idea. You had seen so many romance movies with kissing in the rain, but you never thought to actually try it. And for God's sake, it always rained in Ireland.

One particularly lazy day you were staring out the windows, watching as storm clouds swelled in the sky with the promises of yet another rain storm. You giggled. This was your chance.

You dashed up to Sean's recording room. "Sean! Sean Sean Sean!" He spun around in his chair, pulling his headphones off. "(Y/N)! What's wrong?" You take his hands and tug him to his feet. "C'mon!" You dragged him downstairs and outside, rain beginning to pour down with a rythmic pitter pattering.

"(Y/N), why did you--" You cut Sean off, pulling him down by the front of his sweatshirt, your lips meeting his. "Mmmph!" He stiffened in surprise, then relaxed, arms wrapping around your waist to pull you closer. You ignored the fact you both were getting absolutely soaked and you probably looked like a drowned rat.

Sean soon pulled back, water dripping off his nose while septic green hair stuck to his forehead. "(Y/N), remind me again, why did you do this?" You shrugged, biting your lip with a huge grin. "I've always wanted to try the whole kiss in the rain thing." He laughed and shook his head. "You know I have to finish recording, right?"

You blush, still smiling. "Sorry." He shook his head laughing. "You're weird." You snorted, shaking your head, raising an eyebrow. "You're calling me weird, you stringbean?" He chuckled. "Well at least I didn't want to drag you out in the middle of a rain storm while you were recording." You laughed. "You know you love me, you dork."

"Do I know that?" He asked before leaning down and stealing your lips in a sweet, loving kiss. He pulled away, kissing your forehead. "Yes. Yes I do." He said, sweeping a peice of hair behind your ear. You shook your head, giggling. "You're an idiot."
"Ah, yeah, but I'm your idiot."

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