He hears a loud sound next to him, like a loud engine, and he looks to the left and sees a man on a motorcycle. He's wearing a black leather jacket with black skinny jeans and black shoes that come to a slight point at the front. The man has a helmet on, a black helmet with the letters G.R.R. on the side of it in white. The front of the helmet has a tinted shield which is covering the mans face. 

The man looks over at Brendon and lifts the shade on his helmet, revealing light brown eyes with a black ring around both of them. He's wearing eyeliner. Brendon's heart drops at the way this man looks at him, like he's trying to get into Brendon's mind, his soul, trying to become apart of him. The mans eyes light up before he puts his shield back down and he drives off on his motorcycle, the engine loud in Brendon's ears. His feet are stuck where he's standing, like he's completely unable to move.

But he manages to pull himself out of whatever trance he was in when someone honks their horn at him. They're trying to turn down the road that Brendon is trying to cross, and he waves as some sort of apology and runs across the street and makes his way to school. He swears in his head that he can still hear that mans motorcycle, but it's no where in his sight, no matter where he turns his head to look.


"It was really weird." Brendon shrugs his shoulder and looks back up at the chalkboard to write down the homework lesson. Not that he's going to do it, why would he?

"Well yeah, I'd be scared too if someone on a motorcycle just stared at me before taking off." Brendon couldn't help but chuckle at Spencer.

"I wasn't scared." He said as he closes his notebook and shoves the pencil inside of the spiral keeping the pages together. "I kind of really wanna see him again." Brendon grinned to himself and tapped his fingers on top of his notebook.

The bell rang and they stood from their chairs and left the classroom, walking together down the hallways and to their locker. They agreed at the beginning of the year to share a locker. 

"So what are you going to do if you see him again?" Spencer asks Brendon once they get to their shared locker. Brendon smiles brightly. 

"I don't know. Maybe go talk to him if I have the chance?" Spencer furrows his eyebrows at Brendon and shakes his head as he purses his lips. "What?"

"You shouldn't talk to strangers, you know. Especially this guy. Wearing nothing but black, even eyeliner, and riding a motorcycle. It's got bad news written all over it, Bren." 

"Hey," Brendon put his books on the top shelf and then placed a hand on his hip. "he could be the nicest person ever. You never know." 

Spencer decides to shut up and not say anything else, except to tell Brendon bye, that he'll see him at school tomorrow. 

Brendon leaves the building and his eyes are all over the place, hoping he can find the guy on the motorcycle, just hoping that he'll show himself again. 

Once Brendon gets to the same crosswalk where he saw the man this morning, he hears the same loud engine noise that he heard on the motorcycle. He stands up straight, suddenly excited and alert, and he looks over to his left and there he is. The man wearing all black, riding his motorcycle and he turns his head and raises his shield just like he did this morning. Brendon can't help the flutters in his stomach as the man winks at him and then takes off, closing the shield on his helmet.

Brendon runs. He runs after the man on the motorcycle, hoping he can run fast enough to find out where he's going.

Why's he never seen him before this morning? He takes this way to school every Monday through Friday. He would definitely know if he's seen the man before.

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