Chapter 50- "I love you"

Start from the beginning

"I can tell you where Rain is" He said, and I stood up straight. Ally heard and her eyes went wide.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Put it on." Officer Knox ordered, shoving the bullet proof vest into my chest. I sent him a glare and he held it in his gaze.

"I don't know how you were brought up as kid, but you're an adult now. So start acting like it, Anderson." He gritted before yelling "Natalie!"

Natalie came over and her and her father exchanged looks before he walked away. "Asshole." I muttered under my breath.

"Look, my dad's helping you find this Rain girl, so I suggest you shape up and listen." Natalie crossed her arms. Clenching my jaw "Now I understand where you being a bitch comes from...daughter like father."

Natalie sent me a glare in return "Don't screw this up, Ryker or you're in deep shit." "I already past deep shit back in Italy." I retorted.

"Maybe if you didn't lie about your so-called-ex-girlfriend wouldn't be in this situation, right now" Natalie pushed. "I did it to protect her" I gritted, wanting nothing more then to punch this bitch but I vowed never to hit a girl.

"Protect her from the real you?" Natalie questioned, crossing her arms. I stayed silent and just glared at her.

"I know about Rain Thompson, and she was that perfect rich girl that seemed to have it all; besides her parents and all, but you didn't want her to think you were screwed up in the head because of what you've been through." Natalie stated "I may seem like a bitch, but I tell it like it is."

I glanced up from the gun I was currently loading up to her "I really wish your parents used a condom." I said honestly, slapping the mag into the gun.

Earning a glare from her, she rested her hands on her hips "Do the world a favor and never have kids, because of you say stuff like that...well let's just say they'd end up just like you, foster kid."

<^> Rain Thompson POV <^>

I was being dragged down the hallway and was transferred off to Blade and Derrick. They came up to a dead end, and Blade put his hand up to the wall and a control panel suddenly lit up.

My eyes widened and I blinked slowly. He typed in a passcode, before the wall opened and Derrick dragged me in, which led to a huge room that was probably the length of the building.

Pressing my lips in thin line, I was pushed down into a wooden chair only for my hands to be tied behind my back.

I saw James come in and I instantly regretted kissing him earlier. I wasn't thinking straight and was very impulsive at the moment.

"I set trackers and fire markers everywhere." Logan and Axel stated, walking into the room as well. Trackers were small devices, that if you touched they attached to you and then whoever controlled it, could track the person. Fire markers are basically small bombs that they created, and if you stepped on it; it would trigger and blow up.

"Get a marking on Anderson, he's the target." Archer ordered Christopher and Shay. Tyson came up to me and chained my ankle again, making me flinch at how tight it was.

"Such a shame.." He sighed, standing up "If you would've went with the right guy you wouldn't be on the bridge of your death." I swallowed a lump in my throat, not saying anything that would make this situation worse.

"They have others!" Cato yelled, coming into the room with a loaded rifle in his hand. "What do you mean others?" Zeke questioned.

"I mean, there's like a whole army of them out there!" Cato exclaimed. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as to else would be out there.

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