thirty two

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thirty two—

yet another day. and specifically a nice one. jimin would have loved to sit outside in the shade and watch everything in silence, but sadly he had his community service to get over with and just maybe he could convince jungkook to sneak him outside.

"do i really have to do this?" jimin mumbled to himself. he pulled his service uniform over his shoulders and zipped it up with a sigh. he didn't really like community service because his specific job was backbreaking. he heard jin had kitchen duty and hoseok had laundry duty. they were nothing short of lucky they didn't have his task.

jimin on the other hand had labor duty. he had to help move stuff outside the prison while under a heavy watch of security. of course jungkook kept close being the protective person he is. but sometimes jungkook was forced to stand back while the regular security shoved them around. and today was a thursday, the specific day that the security liked to push around the workers a little more than usual.

jimin had asked jungkook once if he could change his community service duty, and jungkook had said he would try to find a spot somewhere else for him. unfortunately, that change hadn't happened just yet so jimin had no choice but to wait for the opportunity to open up.

"jimin?" jungkook called from the other side of the door. jimin had been changing in the empty locker room and jungkook waited outside for him.

"yeah im coming," jimin said back to him. he tried to make it obvious in his voice that he didn't want to do this even though he knew he had to. when he pulled open the door jungkook stood there with a small scowl on his face.

jimin had also spoken to jungkook about the stares and remarks he received from some of the security guys and from what he remembered, jungkook wasn't too happy about it because he stomped off grumbling to himself.

jimin chuckled at the memory and looked up at the taller, a small smile still spread across his lips. the taller stared down at him with a raised eyebrow.

"what's so funny?" he asked the older. jimin chuckled again and grabbed his arm, holding it against his chest.

"oh nothing." jimin sung. jungkook rolled his eyes and pulled jimin along to the door, twining their hands together in the process. jimin and him had finally stopped being so awkward with each other after their talk, and it made it a lot easier for jungkook to talk to jimin. because now, jimin was an easy person to be with and jungkook could read him like an open book.

they left the building and eventually came to the site where jimin had to work.

there was lots of equipment, supposedly all for helping build new parts of the prison and expanding, but jimin was never one to know if they actually did use any of the equipment for building or anything else.

"finally you're here jimin!" someone groaned. jimin mentally groaned himself when he heard that voice. jungkook also tightened his jaw, shifting his eyes to the source.

there was a guy, pretty muscular but not too much. he was average in terms of looks if you compared him to jungkook or jimin, but he was a complete asshole. and that assholes name was hyukyeol.

jimin always ignored the snide comments and remarks he made about the hard labor he and his other worker-mates did, or at least he tried. he almost got caught grumbling once and he was shoved to the ground. jungkook had been pissed, super pissed, but he had to stay back.

"hurry up and get started jimin. you're ten minutes late!" hyukyeol shouted at jimin. jungkook and jimin exchanged a glance and jungkook leaned down to the others ear.

"if he says or does anything i'll deal with him." jungkook mumbled to him, and he planted a small kiss to jimins temple as he raised his head. "now get over there and don't worry."

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