twenty six

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twenty six—

jimin awoke the next morning feeling better, but his back was still stiff. obviously due to the bed he had rested on the night before. his memories and thoughts began processing in his mind and he remembered briefly last night when he woke up to the sound of voices.

"... i'll kill you." he had heard. a shiver went down his spine. the tone used had been so menacing he didn't know who it had been. he suspected it was the enemy, but jungkook could have threatened them to get them to go away. but he wasn't quite sure about that either. if it was him, had he been serious?

he sat up slowly, a low groan escaping his lips as his stiff back cracked in discomfort. he looked over at jungkooks bed and saw the other sleeping peacefully. his back was facing him, yet he looked oddly settled. a snore came from him, and jimin smiled.

he looked around, wondering what time it was and if they should get up. his eyes settled on jungkook again. should he wake him?

sliding his feet out from under the bedsheets, he placed them softly on the floor and stood up. he tiptoed quietly over to the other and peered down at jungkooks face. like always, his expression was at peace and glowed presumably because he looked happier in his sleep. less tense and less guard-guy like usual. jimin gently placed his hands on jungkook's shoulder and shook him softly. his response was merely another snore. with a sigh jimin shook him again, harder this time. he still didn't respond.

"..jungkook?" jimin murmured quietly. he thought he saw jungkook twitch, but he didn't answer him. "jungkook?" he called once again. it took a moment but jungkook finally got the memo and his eyes fluttered open.

"jiminie?" jungkook asked, his tone the deep melody of what everyone knew as the morning voice. jimin's face lit up at the nickname, and he stepped backwards to hide his face behind his hands. it was both heart-racking and embarrassing that it was even said, as well as the fact that he was enjoying it.

"y-yeah it's me jungkookie," jimins tongue also slipped up on a name for the other. he peeked out from behind his hands and saw jungkook staring at him blankly, but soon enough he smiled.

"good morning." jungkook said, teeth peering out from under his lips. jimin's tampering heart calmed down a bit, and he slowly lowered his hands.

"good morning..." jimin replied. his curiosity suddenly got the better of him when he began thinking back to the middle of the night again. "what happened last night?"

jungkook huffed as he moved his feet to the floor. he stared down at the ground for a moment, grumbling to himself before responding finally.

"it went fine. i think i finally got them to go away." jungkook told him.

"you... weren't hurt were you?" jimin asked, "you don't look like it." jungkook shook his head and moved his arms out to the side to show him. but he then winced, and grunted in remembrance.

"oh yeah..." jungkook muttered. "they did this." he raised his shirt to reveal multiple large purple bruises that had begun to look a bit black. there was even a little bit of blood that had come to the surface of his skin, but never quite escaped the epidermis so it looked a bit pulverized.

jimin seemed to visibly cringe at the wounds and he had to take another breath before allowing himself to speak.

"oh," jimin frowned. he reached out a hand and set it on the others shoulder hesitantly. "they didn't do anything else did they?"

"nope, i beat them all up though. or well i tried before they ran away." jungkook implied with a chuckle. jimin smiled faintly.

"i wish they wouldn't do that to people... especially you..." jimin mumbled quietly. jungkook looked at him quizzically, probably wondering exactly what he meant by that. he didn't ask though. and jimin wouldn't explain to him unless he was indeed questioned about how he had grown to care about jungkook more than a simple friend would.

"well it's over now. you can rest easy. because i know i just did." jungkook laughed and fell back onto his back. "i just want to sleep now." jimin chuckled at his behavior.

"maybe you can." jungkook looked over at him and smiled.

"yeah," jungkook hummed. "you can sleep with me too. i don't really feel like going to classes." jimin nodded. he had blushed just barely at the fact that jungkook said he could sleep with him. but of course it wasn't in that way. no two people in one bed stuff was going to happen, even if his little crush was starting to invade his every thought.

"fine with me," and he laid down on his bed once again, back facing jungkook. this wasn't helping him at all. the way jungkook spoke to him almost made it seem like he was a little something other than just a prisoner he was responsible for.

"hey jiminie," jungkook called.

"hm?" jimin hummed back.

"you do know i won't let anyone touch you right? no one." jungkook said. "no one but me." jimin's cheeks cracked into a very deep grin that would probably end up with his cheeks hurting.

"yeah," he closed his eyes. sleep seemed to already be around the corner when he took his next breath.

remembering lastly how there had been a large dip in the bed and a pair of muscular arms wrapped around him before slipping off into sleep once again.

//sorry for the scattered story it's been screwing with me lately ,,, i wrote this in july 2016 & ive already improved a lot gdi im just

arrested || jikookOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora