thirty one

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thirty one—

"step left, right, left, right..." an instructor was saying. jin and namjoon were currently in dance class and trying their hardest to keep up with the instructor and the steps that left his mouth.

"now twist, clap and down," the dance instructor told them. jin watched him dance fluidly with no problem, switching movements with ease and finishing the set with a stomp. jin found dancing to be tough. tough as in really hard to comprehend. his body wouldn't do what he wanted, and on top of having to listen to the directions at the same time, he worried if he was doing it right every single second that he attempted do what was supposed to be a simple dance.

namjoon who danced beside him seemed to also have trouble, but not near as much as jin. namjoon could move his body a little better than jin could, but his movements were pretty awkward. so he was always a little more at ease when namjoon was with him because he wasn't the only one who just didn't have a talent for dancing. on the other hand, whenever he wasn't with him, he would become a nervous wreck. one time namjoon left him alone on some guard business and he almost wanted to cry out of embarrassment.

"okay gang, take five." the dance teacher said with an exhausted stretch of his arms. jin sighed in relief and scurried off to the wall where he sat down beside his water bottle. namjoon awkwardly shuffled over and sat down beside him.

usually jin and namjoon would chat, but this class was right after lunch. and jin couldn't stop thinking about how his friends had talked about his and namjoon's relationship. or how they supposedly liked each other.

jin knew this was a lie because there was no way that namjoon would ever take an interest in him. namjoon was a smart, manly man who would make a very special girl happy in the future. jin was just a guy who loved to cook and was obsessed with the delicate color pink. there was just no way. no possibility.

but jin wouldn't deny the fact that he liked namjoon. he just did. no matter how quickly he tried to move on from it, he just did and would continue to do so.

"hey jin," namjoon spoke up suddenly. jin was surprised for a moment but then he turned his head as calmly as possible to the other.

"hm?" he hummed in response. he didn't want to appear as nervous as he felt.

"you don't really like me do you? i mean really, you can tell me the truth. i won't judge you." namjoon spoke once more. jin went quiet, pondering the words that had just left namjoon's pair of lips.

should he tell him? nah. but he said he wouldn't judge, and if that's true maybe he could. namjoon would never lie. but he leaned back, biting his lip nervously. he was making it fairly obvious now so maybe he should just out with it.

"yeah," jin mumbled lowly.

"what?" namjoon asked again and leaned forward, probably to hear better because jin had spoken so quietly.

"yes namjoon. i do like you," jin said louder this time. he didn't look at namjoon because he didn't want to see his reaction. disgust, maybe even anger held towards the fact that he liked a man and that man was him.

namjoon, on the other end of this conversation, was struck still in shock because of jin's reply. he never expected the once quiet prisoner he was assigned to who had quite a sassy and bouncy side to crush on himself, just as namjoon did the other. jungkook had been right all along, they both liked each other and neither of them could seem to find the courage to cough up a confession.

lunch had been an eye opener to namjoon so here he was, plainly asking to see if it was true that jin liked him.

and what do you know, it is true. and namjoon couldn't seem to contain the blissful happiness in his chest and the warmth creeping up his limbs because he grabbed jin by his wrist and yanked him to his feet. together they left the dance class, namjoon pulling a completely confused seokjin behind him.

"w-what are you doing?" jin whispered loudly. then namjoon suddenly stopped and pulled jin into a big hug. jin felt heat creep into his cheeks, and his face began to burn when he realized what exactly was happening. "n-namjoon what–"

namjoon pulled away and cut jin off with a quick kiss to the lips, a large grin now etched on his face.

"jin, i think it's safe to say that i like you too. now please be my parter or boyfriend or whatever and we can stop all of this awkwardness between us." jin as a result burst out into laughter. of course it was his window-wiper laugh, but to namjoon it was the type of laugh to immediately make you bubble up a chuckle as well.

"oh namjoon..." jin wiped his eyes and chuckled once more, "sure ill be your boyfriend. but not just to break the ice you know."

namjoon chuckled deeply, "of course jin. because we like each other too much." jin flushed a deeper pink.

"yeah." he mumbled, and smiled ever so slightly at the fact that coincidence was playing out exactly how he had imagined it. it made him think that maybe something would destroy this happiness later. he couldn't say for sure, but this all seemed to amazing to be true.

so jin looked at namjoon and gestured to his hand. their fingers locked together tightly and jin smiled at the feeling of such a thing between them. a relationship. oh how different he had expected this to turn out.

i wasn't planning on a namjin chap but oh well haha

arrested || jikookOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora