twenty five

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twenty five—

the sun had gone down, and the lights went out. silence had crept inside the prison, making it feel eerily empty and mysterious.

jungkook had always liked the prison at night. he got to watch prisoners through the cameras escape from their cells and have fun in the night, of course if that involved hurting someone he'd send someone after them. but if it was just to mess around, he'd just let them. after all it was prison. everyone needs to live a little.

but the prison was always peaceful too, come nighttime.

other than the few people that
needed something, nothing moved. the moon would shine down through the roof overhead and light everything up in a cool gray. jungkook sat in silence outside the cell, guarding as he was supposed to do.

it was a shame that someone would ruin this peace for something so trivial. like the people that had just appeared further down the long dark hallway. shadows cast dark splotches on their skin as three bulky men approached him. he scanned them for recognition and he immediately knew who it was.

jongin was the one on the right, and jaehyun from the showers was on the left. in the middle was the one he hadn't expected to show at all, but here he was. it was none other than chen.

they stopped a few yards from jungkook, eyes narrowed into ugly glares sent in his direction. they looked like wolves ready to tear apart prey. at that thought jungkook let out a chuckle. but jungkook was the tiger that would protect the prey, because he knew he didn't deserve to die just yet.

"what's so funny jungkook-ah?" jaehyun asked. jungkook only laughed again.

"oh, i was just thinking about how you expect me to call you hyung," jungkook narrowed his eyes, getting serious for now, "you rat." jungkook rose from his seat and crossed his arms. chen looked amused at jungkooks actions.

"why do you protect him?" chen asked. "there's no point. from what ive heard, he's a piece of shit and completely worthless. he's small and weak too, like jinjae. knowing you, you would be the first person to figure out such things. so why?" jungkook's face formed a devilish grin.

"why indeed," he sighed. "maybe i just do because i feel the need to. he's mine, and there's nothing more to it." chen raised a brow, taking a step forward in the process.

"yours, hm? and you would tell me that knowing very well that i love taking anything that's yours?" chen asked with a smile. jungkook's devious grin got wider.

"and you would challenge me like that? knowing well what happens when you do? want me to break you in half like i did before?" jungkook chuckled as he watched his last few words hit a nerve. chen had scowled and seemed to bite his tongue. "well, the thing is, with him it's different."

"different, huh." chen sighed. "this is getting boring. go." and at that moment jongin and jaehyun rushed at him. he punched them both away, but jongin managed to dodge and slipped behind him. he then locked his arms behind his back, restraining jungkook from moving. chen walked over, smiling gleefully down at him.

"look who's in trouble now jungkook-ah. maybe i should beat you senseless right here, yeah?" chen kicked jungkook in his stomach. it didn't affect him much. because jungkook was prepared. but chen retaliated quickly and flashed another couple kicks into jungkooks abdomen. he spat a ball of blood out of his mouth, sucking in a heavy breath afterwards.

with ease, he slipped out of jongins grip and kicked him in his crotch area, following up with a punch to the jaw. then he spun around and punched chen square in the nose, knocking him backwards.

"okay chen. jongin." jungkook laughed, standing over the two who were on the floor in pain. jaehyun had fled long ago. at least he knew to get out of there. the two looked up at him, each of them groaning in pain.

"ive gotten sick of the games you've been playing at this prison for the past few years. and now, you've taken it so far as to hurt jimin." jungkook's face became angry. full of rage and frustration, he balled up his fists, and put another devilish smirk on his face.

"the next time you attempt to do anything," jungkook said. "i will kill you." and jungkook meant it.

chen and jongin's eyes went wide and the two scrambled to their feet. quickly running away from him, and vanishing down the hall. jungkook started laughing. hopefully they finally got the memo.

he unlocked the cell and went inside, a little relaxed but incredibly tired. he looked over at jimin. his body was turned on its side, yet facing him. his mouth was partially open and a hand hung loosely off of the bed. and thankfully, he didn't wake up or show any signs of hearing anything.

jungkook slipped on his pajamas and slid into his bed as well. he watched jimin sleep peacefully, and he smiled slightly. when he said jimin was his, it made him want to laugh. it sounded ridiculous, but at the same time it didn't. because jimin was his.

and no one else could touch him.

//i was logged out for days and i comeback seeing lots of notifs like i didn't know ppl loved me

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