Scrawny Man's Courage

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I awoke aboard the Argo II in the infirmary. No one was in there with me. I sat upwards only to sit directly back down again. My chest ached like Hel. I took a deep breath and rose from the bed. I made my way to the Mess Hall, only to find it empty. I walked upstairs to the deck, and found it empty. I saw that we were still in the water, and so I looked into the blue sea. I didn't see anything, no sea creatures whatsoever. That was highly suspicious.

"Hello?" I called out. No one was aboard the ship. I braced myself for the icy cold impact of the water, and jumped in. I formed an air bubble around my face in order to breathe. I swam to the bottom of the ocean, back to the place where I thought that I had died. I turned around in a circle. As far as I could see, there was nothing around me. That is very weird. And that was when I was sucked through the sand and into some unknown palace. My air bubble disappeared, and so I began to panic.

I took a deep breath and — wait, I took a deep breath. I can breathe down here; it's air. I landed with a thud in the center of the center. Merpeople swam around as though they were in water. I rose from my spot and looked around.

"INTRUDER!" A merwoman screeched. Mermen in a police-man's get-up surrounded me and tackled me to the ground. They placed me in handcuffs made of coral, and so my wrists began to burn. "Agh!" I exclaimed. "You're going to the dungeon with all of your little humanoid friends!" The merman declared. I didn't say a word; I let him take me exactly where I wanted to go.

Soon, we entered a dark building. I was lead down the hall and shoved into a large room. "You will be held in court for your trial tomorrow." The man said. I rose and snarled at him. He slammed the door in my face. I looked around and saw the others all sitting against the walls. "Guys?" I asked. "Gaea? I thought you were on the ship?" Percy asked. "I woke up and no one was there. The water around the ship was empty, so I checked it out." I said.

"What happened to you guys?" I asked. "They somehow generated a whirlpool and sucked us in." Piper explained. "And what about Hearth and Blitzen?" I asked. "We tried to pull them out, didn't work." Blitzen grumbled. I lit my hands on fire in an attempt to melt away the coral.

"Already tried it, doesn't work." Leo said with a saddened expression. I then tried to use my power over the earth to snap the coral. After a few moments of concentration, I managed to snap them off. I rubbed my wrists and made my way over to the others. In a matter of fifteen minutes, almost everyone's handcuffs were taken off.

"So, what's the plan?" I asked as I worked on removing Jason's coral-cuffs. "Well, they claim that we are trespassing in their waters, and the punishment of that is death." Annabeth said. "Don't people sail through here all the time?" I asked. "Yeah, but they don't normally hop out and swim." Frank said. I nodded.

A merman guard rattled his keys to unlock the door. We all scrambled to get back to where we sat before. We sat on our coral-cuffs. "Which one is she?" The guard asked. "Who?" Samirah asked. "Daughter of Bellona." The guard asked.

Reyna, who's handcuffs were the only one's still on, rose and asked "What do you want with me?" He swam forward and uncuffed her. "Court meeting; you are to speak on your friends behalf." He said. "Why me?" Reyna asked as she rubbed her wrists. "We chose randomly." He stated sternly. She nodded lightly and followed him outside. The door was slammed behind her and locked. Jason ran up to the door to watch her leave. "I hope everything goes well." He said quietly.

"We all do." Leo said as he sat next to the son of Jupiter. And so, we sat there, together, in silent amity and anxiousness, waiting for her to return safely and declare our freedom. After about an hour or so of waiting around, the door was opened. We all rose, and Reyna emerged saying "We can go, but only under one condition."

"Which is?" Jason asked. "Someone has to stay behind." Reyna said solemnly. "No way." I said. "It's the only way." Reyna said. "Leo." I whispered. He looked to me and we reached a silent agreement. He was meant to stay behind. That was what Loki meant by everyone hating me. I was to let him go without an argument. "I'll stay. You guys need to go." Leo said. "What? No!" Jason exclaimed. "We need you!" Hazel exclaimed. "I can't do the ship stuff on my own!" Annabeth said.

"Then, who else? Gaea had a dream saying I was to stay behind or die, and the time has come." Leo said. "But, what if they kill you?" Piper whispered. "Then, they kill me. Just, tell Calypso what happened and that I love her." He said with a small smile. Everyone seemed to understand, but they weren't at all happy about it. They all stared at me, preparing for me to make a motivational speech or something. Instead, I averted my eyes to the ground. Everyone exchanged hugs with him and farewells.

Jason hugged him last, and managed to slide something into his pocket. He grabbed his best friends shoulders and said "Stay strong." Leo nodded and said "You guys better get going, you've got no time to loose."

And so, we were all escorted out. We all boarded the Argo II, and, with one last look to the water and the town beneath it that held our friend, departed from the center of the ocean to sail directly into an oncoming storm.

Lmao whoops

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