Frost Giants Stink

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"I know that Hearthstone's missing." I said. "But I was with him when he was taken." Smed said.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I asked. "You didn't ask!" Smed said. "What happened?" I asked.

"Hearthstone arrived in Nidavellir late at night. He wanted to surprise Blitzen with a new spell he learned, so he asked me if he could crash at my place until morning. That night, while we slept, I heard a loud bang come from the living room." Smed said. He paused and closed his eyes, as if the memory was too painful to recount.

"I burst into the living room with my hammer in hand. I saw Hearthstone using his runes to fight off three huge jötunns. I killed one by slamming my hammer into his head. But, as I turned around. The other two frost giants each held one of Hearthstone's arms. I started to run at them, but just as my hammer hit one of their arm's, they disappeared with Hearthstone." Smed finished. "I couldn't save him." He concluded with his head hung low.

"It's not your fault." I said. I placed my small hand on his burly shoulder. "Three frost giants against two men, one with spells and one with a hammer, you fought well. They were sent by Loki to take Hearthstone. Blitzen was taken by them. Magnus and Samirah were also taken. Loki is trying to fulfill, or rather disprove, the prophecy. This was fate, you didn't fail." I said.

Smed nodded reluctantly. "We should go to bed, it's getting late." I said. He stood and said "Thank you."

I smiled lightly and walked out of his workshop with him. "Where's your bathroom?" I asked. He then said "Down the hall, take your first left."

I nodded in thanks and walked down the hallway. Once I got into the bathroom, I splashed my face with water.

The guest room was the room next to it, and so I could overhear Percy and Annabeth talking.

"She seems like a good kid, I can see why Magnus took a liking to her." Annabeth said. "She's powerful." Percy agreed. "But what Thor did to her was awful, I wish I could do something to help her." Annabeth said.

"So do I. But we can't; just like no one can do anything to help us forget-" Percy started, but he cut himself off. I knew what he was going to say, though. Tartarus. Magnus told me of the horrid place, and in all honesty, I was baffled that they made it out with as much mental stability that they have.

"I know, Percy, but we had each other. She has no one." Annabeth said.

Just as I was about to exit the bathroom, I felt cold. I wrapped my jacket around myself as I took a step closer to the door, but just as my hand was about to touch the handle, frost began to form on it.

I glanced to the shower, and I saw that the shower handle also had frost growing on it.

I unsheathed my sword and turned to face the frost giant. Whilst I turned to face him, I was frozen in place. All but my head was frozen.

The frost giant entered the bathroom through the window and asked "Where is she?"

"Who?" I asked. "Annabeth Chase. My lord wishes her company." The giant sneered. Without missing a beat, I said "She isn't here."

"I can sense her." The giant sneered again. "Have you encountered a Greek before?" I asked. The jötunn shook his head. "I have her scent upon me." I said.

He tilted his head as if to say Go on. "Her and I did travel together, but..." I started. I used my (secret) powers to make tears well in my eyes. "When we arrived in Jotunheim, we landed in a riptide. I couldn't save her." I concluded, letting one, theatrical tear slide down my cheek.

Whilst I talked, I used my powers to take hold of the ice. I could escape at any moment now.

"You lie." The frost giant said. I shook my head, letting yet another tear slide down my cheek.

I heard faint footsteps from the guest room. They knew of his appearance. "How about this?" I asked. The giant urged me to go on.

"We make a deal. I will give you information if you give me information." I said. "What do you want?" The giant asked.

"Where is Loki keeping Blitzen, Hearthstone, Samirah, and Magnus?" I asked. "I am forbidden to tell of this information." He stated. "Well, then I guess that you won't ever know where Annabeth is. Or..." I started. "Or what?" The giant asked. I had him now. "Or where you can find the real Sword of Summer." I said. "Lord Loki has it." The giant said.

I shook my head and held a smirk on my face, saying "He thinks he does."

Now, in all honesty, Loki did have it. But I needed something to keep this giant still. "Tell me of my friends' location and I will tell you of Annabeth Chase's status as well as the location of the real sword. This is a better deal for you than me." I said.

The giant reluctantly nodded his head. "You first." I demanded.

"They are not together." The giant said. "Okay, where is everyone?" I asked. "Hearthstone and Blitzen are in Helheim with Loki's daughter, Hel." The giant said. I tried not to look too surprised, and simply nodded my head. "Samirah is in Franang's Falls, in Loki's home." The giant said. "And what of Magnus?" I asked.

The giant didn't say anything. "And what of Magnus?!" I demanded, louder this time. "He is bound by the same ropes that held Loki." The giant said. "WHAT?!" I bellowed. The ice shards that surrounded my body exploded, breaking the mirror next to me.

The giant cowered in fear. At that moment, a sword sliced off his ear in mid air. I turned to see that Percy had thrown his sword.

"I got this, get out!" Percy said. I nodded and ran outside of the bathroom with Annabeth. I saw Smed charging down the hall with his hammer.

He ran into the bathroom and, with one mighty blow, killed the giant. Everyone took deep breaths. "Why did he want me?" Annabeth asked.

"Probably-probably to try and get Magnus' friends and family. Loki hates the guy, so I wouldn't be surprised if I saw another frost giant coming for you." I said. "I shouldn't have brought you; I'm sorry." I said again, looking deeply into her eyes.

"Once again, I'm used to danger. And I'm happy that you brought me." Annabeth said. Percy and Smed walked out of the bathroom. That sounds wrong, but you know what I mean.

"You did it, Smed." I said with a small smile. He gave a short, breathy laugh and a small smile, asking "Are you alright?" I nodded and so, he said "Good, you should all go to sleep."

We nodded and Annabeth helped me up. I walked over to the couch and laid down. Annabeth put a blanket over me and said goodnight. I smirked and said "You're like the sister I never had."

She smiled lightly at me and nodded slightly. Annabeth walked back into her room.

As soon as I closed my eyes, the dreams started.

TBH they all can sma
But vote plz
Ily all

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