Stary Night

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After Reyna went off to bed, I stood alone on the deck. I stared at the night sky with its big, bright stars and seemed to forget of the demons that only I could see.

I closed my eyes for an attempt at serenity, only to be greeted by the terrifying smirk of the arai. Her smile, though I hate it, has some reassurance. It will always be there, for as long as I can think of. I'm going to try to think of her as positive, as a sign of steadiness and normalcy. The world is a terrifying place, with or without her. Now, I just have someone, or rather something, that can experience it with me.

I can do this. The arai's face, though disturbing, is something that I can get used to. I am strong, so I shall persevere. I closed my eyes and clutched the railing. I saw the arai's smirk, but I kept my heartbeat steady. She didn't scare me.

What did scare me was all of the other things. The screams, the ripping of skin, the sight of my friends calling for me and me unable to help, and watching innocents die at my own hands. I am not a monster. The arai is, and she's making me see this as if I were. She did all of this, not me. She killed, she tortured, she harmed those people. Not me. I am innocent.

I saw the ghosts of all of my past friends  and the looks of betrayal and pain upon their faces. I watched as they surrounded me and tried to pull off my limbs and my head and do anything that they could to hurt me. I fought and I fought, but I couldn't hold on. These ghosts, these foul beings continued to win time after time again. I can't handle it.

But I deserve it, for I left without saying goodbye. I saw my surfer friend, Derek Jones, whom I had a close relationship with. I watched as he clasped my face in his claws and ripped my skin off. I watched as another friend from the orphanage, Felicia Hawthright, ripped my arm off. I felt my leg ripped off by my friend who taught me the ways of the samurai, Aki Nakamura. I felt two hands embroider themselves into my gut. It was my friend from from Russia who I met in the early 1900s, named Darya Smirnov. She taught me Russian and let me live at her house while traveling. She was the kindest person one could meet in all of Russia. She was like a sister to me.

It is painful enough to have my limbs, head, and everything else ripped from me, but to have it be from them is a curse only a demon could conjure up. I cried and cried as well as screamed, for this is a feeling that I can't even begin to describe.

I felt someone shake me. My eyes flew open and I saw a very worried Leo Valdez standing next to me with his hands on my shoulders. "What's going on?" He asked. "What?" I asked him. "You were just- standing here clutching the railing and your face was contorted into a concentrated expression and you weren't answering me when I called you. I got worried." He responded.

"Sorry, I was just practicing my powers. Apparently it didn't work." I said. "Powers over what?" He asked. "Wind. I wanted to see if I could move the ship. I guess I'm too tired." I said. "Alright. Just, don't do it again." Leo said. "I'll try." I said. Thank the gods for my quick coverups.

"It's time for the shift change." He said. I nodded and said "Goodnight." He said the same to me as I walked away. I walked into my room and laid on the bed. I stared out of the window at the stars in the sky that seem to be small in comparison to what they normally are. That made me worried, for I thought that I was in the dream again, the one that made me see my friends as ghosts that hated me and tore me limb from limb.

I closed my eyes in an attempt to sleep but was greeted upon feeling the curses that the arai has inflicted upon her many victims.  I felt my skin being turned inside out and frozen in place. I felt my throat close up and I was blinded by blood.

I opened my mouth to scream for help, but my voice no longer seemed to work. I forced my eyes to fly open and took a deep breath. I pulled the blankets over me and rocked back and forth. I can't take it.

She is always going to be there. She is what is now considered normal to me, and that in itself is terrifying. I hate the dark. I made a flame flicker to life in the palm of my hand. I placed it upon the candles next to my bed. I can't stay in the dark. All that I can see is her and her many curses. She is a curse, and so now, I am a curse. I don't want to keep living if all that I'm going to see is her every time that I close my eyes. I'm immortal, and so now more than ever it is a curse to me.

The alarm sounded from above deck, and so I blew out the candles, slipped on my shoes, and ran upstairs. Everyone else filed around me as we watched a fleet of harpies surround the boat. I unsheathed my sword. So what I started my curse with this very sword? I plan to annihilate that very curse with the same item that started it.

And so, once the harpies landed, I charged into battle alongside my friends.

Boom boom pow
So sorry! Ngl I forgot that I was writing this - but I'll get back to it!!
Hope everyone had a good holiday!

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