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We reentered the World Tree and started towards a world that I didn't ever want to return to. But, for Magnus, I would do anything.

Jotunheim had many secrets to it, all of which I learned over the years. Loki doesn't reside here, but Thor does. Thor is the god who spent the most time with Loki, and so knows how he thinks.

I saw the entrance to Jotunheim and beckoned for Percy and Annabeth to follow. Percy grabbed my wrist and forced me to turn around. "Are you sure that you want to go back there?" He asked.

"For Magnus, I'd go to Helheim." I said. Percy raised an eyebrow and turned to face Annabeth as if asking What does that mean?. Annabeth mouthed Underworld, and Percy nodded slightly as he turned to face me again. "If you're really sure." He said.

I nodded and faced the entrance. "We may end up in a riptide. Be prepared to hold your breaths. Percy, if we do land in a riptide, use your powers."

He nodded and held my hand and his girlfriend's. I counted to three and we jumped.

Believe it or not, we got lucky. We landed in the shallow end of a lake. I stood and looked around. Percy helped Annabeth up and dried us off.

"So, what are we looking for?" Annabeth asked. Just as she asked that,  a voice rumbled from a football field's length away "Didn't think I would see you here again!"

Thor. This vile man, my torturer. I hated him with everything that I had, but I returned still. I returned for Magnus.

"Want another round?" He asked as he got closer. "Wait, how did your council with Odin and all them go? Sorry I couldn't make it, had to catch up on Game of Thrones." He concluded.

"I'm here with my companions, and we have some questions." I said. "Ask away." He stated.

I looked to Percy and Annabeth, and they urged me on. "Where do you think Loki would hide Magnus and the others?" I asked.

Thor thought for a moment and proceeded to say "Maybe somewhere here, maybe Nifleheim, maybe Midgard. I wouldn't expect him anywhere else. I don't sense him here, so I would check Nifleheim and Midgard."

I bit my tongue and said "Thank you. We'll be leaving now." I turned to face Percy and Annabeth to walk away.

"Now wait just a minute," he started. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "What now, Thor?" I asked.

"Any luck with your little predicament?" He asked. I paused and, looking over my shoulder slightly so he could only see my cheeks and the whites of my eyes, said "Not at all."

"After this quest, I have another idea as to help you with your parental-identity crisis." Thor said. "And I will kindly decline your offer." I said sarcastically through gritted teeth.

"Now, come on! I miss you around here!" Thor exclaimed. I turned to face him and said "I don't miss you, Thor. Since I have been freed of your eternal plans of gods know what, I plan on staying within the bounds of my liberty."

"Well then, sassy pants, you have ten minutes to get out, otherwise I'll kill your friends." He growled. I raised my chin and smirked saying "We were trying to leave when you so eloquently denied our exit from this dreadful planet."

"Get out." He growled. Electricity sparked along his fists and around his body and aura. I took a step forward and whispered in a deadly tone "You will never be forgiven for what you have done to me. I will forever loathe you for your actions of betrayal and anguish. I would never have returned here if it weren't for my only friend's disappearance and captivity into your brother's hands. Isn't it a coincidence that he was the one who inadvertently sent me here, to this world? Not only do I hate you with all of my being, but I hate him, double as much as I hate you. Have I made myself clear for the thousandth time?"

Sparks emitted from my being. I heard thunder clap in the distance. Storm clouds gathered above us. I felt tension arise in everything around us; the lake, the rocks, the grass, even the air.

I smelt something burning, and so I took a small glance down to see that I was burning the spot in which I stood. The waters in the lake stirred and rumbled from its deepest reefs. Wind blew all around us; though, it wasn't too strong.

Needless to say, tensions rose in our silent battle. Intensity was the only word that I could use in this instance to describe our present predicament. Annabeth took a brave step forward and said "We'll be leaving now."

I took a slow, deep breath, closed my eyes in an attempt to calm myself, and turned around. Once we were far enough away from the god of lightning, and once the elements around us died down, I said in a low tone "I'm sorry about that."

"What happened with you two in the past?" Percy asked. Annabeth slapped his arm and said "What? One of us was going to ask."

"While I was here, he held me prisoner for seventy-nine years. Whilst prisoner, he tortured me once a month in an attempt to get the answer out of me." I said with my jaw set.

"Why would he think that you knew the answer?" Annabeth asked. "Loki fabricated some sort of lie that stated that I knew of my parents identity, that I was just being stubborn. The gods locked me in a cell until they reached an agreement, and that agreement was that I would be trusted under the care of Thor, since we possess the same power."

Needless to say, the rest of our walk to the entrance to the World Tree was filled with silence.

Shorter chapter, but good content I think lol
Love You all!

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