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The dreams continued. I saw Samirah sitting in a desk at school, in what I am guessing was science class. Suddenly, her phone buzzed. She excused herself from class and entered the girls bathroom. Samirah looked around to see that she was the only one in the bathroom, took out her phone and called back the blocked number.

"Odin, what do you need?" Samirah asked. "I'm afraid that Odin can't make it to the phone right now." A mysterious man said. The call ended and so, Samirah turned towards the now-opened window. She saw her father, Loki, sitting on the windowsill. He hopped down to the ground and held his spear staff in his hand with authority. "Long time no see, daughter." He smiled wickedly.

Samirah snarled and seemed to prepare herself for a battle. Loki sensed this, and so he said "Oh, sweetheart, there won't be a battle today. Not for a long while." Samirah hesitated, and that was her mistake. Loki, in an instance, threw his spear and it impaled her side. She had just moved out of its direct line of fire. She withheld a scream of pain. "You and I will be spending some quality time together." Loki said.

She managed to extract the spear from her side with a gasp of pain. "What the Hel?!" Samirah yelled. Just as Loki was about to start speaking, a fragile, little girl's voice rang through the bathroom. "Hello?" She asked.

Loki then grabbed his spear and Samirah and flashed them out of there. Samirah landed on the bed that she has been seated on in my first dream. "OW!" She bellowed. "Nurse!?" Loki called. A frost giant in a doctor's-get-up walked into the room. "Fix her up." He demanded dismissively. The frost giant nodded and walked to the side of the bed. Samirah laid down and took a slow, deep breath.

Her eyes fluttered as though trying to keep them open. As if, when she closed them and went to sleep, when she wakes up, she will realize that this is real, that her father kidnapped her. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder shaking me from the dream. My eyes shot opened and I punched the person who was waking me up square in the jaw. "UM, OW!" Leo yelled. I blushed slightly and said "Oh, sorry. Bad dream." He seemed to understand, for all demigods, no matter if you are Greek or Norse, have bad dreams.

"I — I just wanted to tell you that we're close." Leo said. I nodded and sat up. A flight attendant walked out and unlocked a box. She put the cover on a nearby chair and said "You will have to jump due to the fact that there is no space for the plane to land. Just open the door when you are ready, the plane will circle around the top of the mountain until everyone is off."

There were four double-parachutes. Percy and Annabeth, Jason and Piper, Blitz and Hearth, and lastly Leo and I decided that we should pair up. Percy and Annabeth strapped in and said "Meet you guys down there!" And so, they jumped.

Hearth and Blitz followed suit. Leo was just beginning to strap on his parachute when there was a cry for help inside the pilots chamber. The four of us shared a look of worry.

"Go! I'll check it out!" I said. And so, with hesitation, Jason and Piper jumped. Leo continued to strap himself into the parachute as I burst through the cabin doors. The flight attendant sat in the pilots chair, manually piloting the plane. I rushed up to her and asked her "Are you alright?" She nodded, but as I walked around to see her face, I saw her mascara running theatrically down her cheeks. She had been crying. I unsheathed my sword and looked around the cabin. "Where's the captain?" I asked.

She shook with fear, and so I had to take matters into my own hands. I looked around the cabin. "Almost done in there?!" Leo asked. "Gimme a minute!" I yelled back.

A monster with the body of a bull emerged from the pilot's bathroom. It was a Greek Minotaur. He wore the pilots clothes, and so I deduced that he was the captain. The captain knew he had to fly us and he did it with no hesitation. I raised my sword as in to strike him, but he took his large hand and shoved me backwards. I burst through the door and landed in the aisle in between the seats. "GAEA!" Leo called. He started forward, but at that moment, the Minotaur rushed through the door and shoved Leo out of the plane. "LEO!" I called.

The Minotaur leapt towards me, but I threw my sword into his stomach. He bellowed in pain, and so I snapped my wrist. I threw a throwing star into his eye and, in one swift motion, extracted my sword from his stomach and sliced off his horn.

The Minotaur threw me off of him and I crashed into the chairs, breaking two of them. As I began to stand up, the Minotaur grabbed me by the throat and held me over the side of the plane. I, with much difficulty, thrust the horn into his other eye.

The Minotaur bellowed in rage and dropped me as he disintegrated. My backpack slapped against my back, my sword became hard to grasp, and so I made it disappear back into the pendant. I was free falling. I had no parachute. If I didn't use my powers, I would die. But, they can't know! If one person knows, they all know! People already know, yelled my subconscious. But did I want them to know? Did I want them to distrust me?

As I thought of these things, I plummeted to the earth. I fell. I kept my eyes wide opened. I watched the ground come closer and closer and then I thought to myself: what about Magnus? What about him? What if, when I die, Magnus and Samirah will stay captive? I can't die. I don't care of the consequences, I will live, for them. I gathered my strength to use my powers to soften my landing, but, I was too late.

keep reading to find out (:
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