Chapter 15 ( New Powers ):

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Felix's POV:

I guess you can say things went pretty well that day. The bros ended up finding me and Cry making out..., Marzia will definitely not bother us anymore, and for Derek, who knows but I'm extremely alert for him and his partners in crime.

"Now Cry, do you know what powers you have?" I asked.

"" He replied rather shyly.

"Well, you need to learn how to control and use the powers that you've acquired. Now, see that dummy over there? Destroy it." I pointed to a training doll towards the left of me.

"I don't know If I can." He mumbled.

I walked up towards him and gave him a short, passionate kiss. I placed my left hand on the side of his face and looked him straight into his eyes.

"You got this, I believe in you."

His face became red and warm. He gave me a shy but small smile and nodded in agreement. I took a couple steps back and pointed at the dummy again.

"Destroy it." I said in a clear deep tone. I needed to be serious about this. I'm pretty sure Derek is getting prepared to kill me because I hadn't gone to the S.O.D. And I'm smart enough to know that he will try and kill Cry to hurt me. I'm not letting that happen so I'm training him, for his sake.

Cry brought out his hands from his pockets and a blue mist began to accumulate out of palms. His eyes turned to that bright, neon blue. I stared in astonishment. He began to motion his hands in a certain type of way and shot at the dummy. I looked quickly at the dummy and tapped it. It was frozen solid.

I looked back at Cry in awe, he just gave a shrug and rubbed the back of his neck while giving a smirk. I gave him a smile and pointed at the dummy again.

"Sorcerers have every single power that exist. They just have to figure out how to use it and use it to their own will. Now, melt the ice with fire."

"Fire? But I only know telekinesis and ice!" He replied in confusion.

"Use your mind Cry." I replied.

I heard him swear under his breathe and he picked a stance. He began to put his hands together and rub them very fast creating friction. Then....

"AHHHH! MY HAND IS ON FIRE!!!" He screamed.

I face-palmed. "You're not on fire, it's your power you bimbo!" I yelled.

Cry stopped and realized that he didn't feel it burning his skin. He smiled then looked at me. I looked in amazement as his eyes changed to a fiery, orange color. It seems that each power he uses, his eyes change colors.

He started to play with fire on his fingertips. He looked at the dummy and flicked his hand towards it. Fire when towards the dummy and disintegrated it. It was just ashes now.

"Ok, can I please have my mask back? You know I don't like being without it out in the open..." Cry asked while walking up to me.

I kneeled down and reached for his mask from a big, bulky rock. I gave him a smirk and handed him the mask.

"Here you go, sweetheart." I said with a hint of humor.

He grabbed the mask," Thank you, sugar plum." He chuckled. While he was putting his mask on I suggested that we go back to our dorm and out of the woods, it's not technically safe out here. He nodded in response then we walked back home.


"So, what your saying is that Cry, was actually a human?" Mr.Chair asked out of shock.

"Yea...sorry bro, If I told any of you guys, I wouldn't know how guys would react." I mumbled as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"I would've killed him." Stephano said as he leaned against a counter with a smirk.

Felix gave Stephano a look that made him flinch in fear.

"So this is why we all met a my mansion?" Piggeh asked.

"Yes." Cry replied.

Piggeh nodded and told us that he would be right back, he was gonna go tell his butler to get us milk and cookies for some reason.

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom." Cry mumbled and stood off the couch and walked out of the game room.

I smiled as I watched him walk out and closing the door behind him.

I soon looked at Mr.Chair who was before me. He looked at me with a face of worry. Mr.Chair looked at Stepahno who too had the same expression on his face and looked at me once again.

"There's something you don't know about Cry, Felix." Mr.Chair said as he pushed his glasses up his nose.

I raised an eyebrow, indicating for him to keep on speaking.

"Once Socerer's gain their powers and figure out how to master all the once they have aquired, they begin to drift away and use it for bad purposes. Such as taking over the world and such." Mr.Chair said in a worried tone.

"Cry, is not the type of person who would do that. That's not like him." I said in a assuring voice.

Stepahno walked to the couch I sat upon and took a seat next to me.

"There is a possibility he won't do that, but we are unsure about it." Stephano explained.

"I'm confused." I placed my elbows on my knees and my face into the palms of my hands.

"The reason why Socerer's die at a young age is because they are usually murdered. If Cry realizes how powerful he actually is, he might loose his cool and turn on everybody and do whatever he pleases. I'm not saying he will loose his mind but it might happen. Right now he's like a blank campus waiting to be painted any color. Please, keep a good eye on him. For his and everybody's safety." Stepahno replied.

My mind began to get all confused and worried. I've gotta keep a close eye on him.

All of the sudden...


"SUP BITCHES! I GOT THE COOKIES AND MILK!" Piggeh screamed as he burst it the room. I chuckled and noticed Cry walked in behing Piggeh.

I gave him a small smile as he sat down next to me, but he stayed silent and didn't make any emotion.

"You okay, Cry?"

Cry's POV:

As I started to approach the door, I heard someone speak my name. My curiosity got the best me and placed my ear on the closed door to listen.

Stepahno began to speak of me and how I would loose my mind. The words he spoke echoed in my mind.


Blank campus,

Any color?

Many questions began to swirl within my brain. How could they say this? I stepped away and paused.

"I'm not like that, It won't happen." I whispered to myself.

I flinched as gust of wind flew past me. It was Piggeh. I relaxed and walked behind him as he screamed.

I'll be fine, I believe in myself.

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