Chapter 10 ( Piggeh x Mr.Chair) :

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I wanted to make Piggeh and Mr.Chair part of the story as well. Every couple of chapters I will add them in. Soon I am going to be making a story of just Piggeh and Mr.Chair. If you guys would enjoy a story like that, please tell me so I can start getting to it. Thanks for everything guys! <3

Mr.Chair's POV:

"Jesus christ Piggeh, why are you doing this?" I curiously asked.

"Just adding some more excitement to our sleepover party." Piggeh gave me a smirk and winked. I quickly looked away as I felt my face grow hot. I've liked Piggeh for quiet some time but I've never really had the guts to tell him, I'm probably not his type and he will most likely not like me in return. So I leave that subject alone and stay good friends with him.

I watched as he poured some liquid into cups of Coca-cola. Piggeh wanted to drug them with some potion he bought from a witch off of campus the other day. It's suppose to make people have...

"Sexy time! Were ready Henry!" Piggeh handed the drinks to the butler and gave an evil chuckle. Piggeh looked at me and gave me a tight squeeze.

"Piggeh...y-your gonna choke me..." I said gasping for air. Piggeh quickly let go of me and giggled. "I'm soory, I'm just so happy that were doing this cause I know they like eachother and I just wanna see them together!" Piggeh squealed.

I giggled a bit and looked down at Piggeh's pocket, his phone was ringing.

"One sec." Piggeh said while answering his phone.

"Oh hey cutie, haven't seen you since my birthday." Piggeh laughed as he talked on the phone.

I sat on the counter of the kitchen and looked down at my feet. He's always been a social butterfly and he's very attractive as well so he has been with many guys before... He's been with almost every guy in the school, but he hasn't even made a move on me, he definitely doesn't care for me...

I frowned and looked as Piggeh hung up his phone and put it in his pocket. I looked down at my feet and saw a tear drop hit my shoe. I was crying... I heard foot steps come towards me.

"Mr.Chair? Are you okay? Why are you crying?" He asked in a worried tone.

I simply nodded my head. "Why do you even ask? You don't care anyways..."

I got off of the counter and was about to walk away until Piggeh grabbed me and turned me around so we were face to face. He looked me in the eyes and held me by the side of my arms.

"I do care. Why would you even say that? We have been friends for the longest time and-"

"Well I don't wanna be friends!" I shouted. I had anger clearly upon my face but it soon faded as I realized my sudden outburst. My cheeks flushed and I looked away quickly as I felt more tears stream down my face.

Piggeh was shocked.

"I-I had no idea you felt that way about me..." Piggeh confessed.

"Wasn't it obvious? I always want to be around you, I always text you, I always call you and make sure your okay, I have given so many signs of me liking you but your too dumb to see it!" I yelled.

"Mr.Chair, I'm sorry, I had no clue..."

"You don't even like me back so forget about it alright? I'll just leave you alone now." I tried to pull away but he didn't let go. I looked up at him and he had huge smile on his face and his cheeks were flushed with a pink hue, clearly visible on his face. I blinked in confusion, why is he smiling?

Piggeh held my chin and tilted it up so we were looking at eachother in the eyes.

"I've always liked you Mr.Chair, but I never thought you would feel the same way about me so I didn't even bother."

"But all those guys..."

"They were just so I can get my mind off of you but they never could, I couldn't stop thinking about you and I still can't. Then I realized that I liked you but I was to scared to confess my feelings, I thought you would reject me."

My eyes widened with shock.

He likes me? HE LIKES ME!

My cheeks grew red and hot. I smiled after hearing what he had just said. He leaned in closer, his lips were an inch away from mine. I felt his hot breathe warm my lips. I felt shivers run down my spine as he wrapped his left arm around me and his other grasp my chin. He then closed the space between our lips and pressed his soft, moist lips against mine.

I felt a spark, as if it was meant to be. I felt butterflies in my stomach. This was the best feeling I have ever had. We titled our heads to deepen the kiss and then...

"Piggeh? Mr.Chair?"

We pulled away looked towards the door,


We pulled away from eachother and both of our faces were red out of embarrassment.

"I'm not even gonna ask... But Felix and Cry drank the Coca-cola!! Come on, let's see what happens!!!" Stephano screamed and ran to the game room. Me and Piggeh looked at eachother.

"Let's go." I said and smiled.

Piggeh smiled back then held my hand and gave me a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Together." He whispered.

My face turned red as we walked to the game room with our hands pressed against eachother and our fingers intertwined.

This is the best day ever.


That was the update guys! Hope you liked it! I haven't been updating as much for personal issues and problems. Sorry about that :/ I hope this made up for it. Sorry for any misspells or mistakes.

Well have a lovely day! <3

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