Chapter 14 ( Cry ):

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Marzia's POV:

I was finally going to find out who he was! But why was he so afraid? I stood up with such anger in my eyes, after I find out who he is, I will end his pathetic life.

I put my hand on his mask and ripped it off...


Suddenly I began to float off the ground...WHAT!?

I began to squirm and yell, I was literally floating in mid air. I looked down at Cry. He had his head down and his hands pasted to the ground. How did he untie himself? Then he looked up and I could not believe my eyes.

"IT'S NOT TRUE!" I screamed in terror.

Cry's POV:

Something came over me, I wasn't myself anymore. What happened? Did I black out? I happened to look up to see what was...

"IT'S NOT TRUE!" Marzia screamed.

All I can see is pure terror in her eyes.

I looked at my hands, they had some type of blue mist coming out of them, what!? I started to panic and freak out, it was like as if I was karate chopping the air. I stopped and looked again, IT'S STILL THERE!

"What is this!? What did you do to me!" I yelled.

"You don't know, do you?" She replied in an annoyed matter.


"Your not human Cry."

I put my palms on my face and started to panic. Not human? How could that be?


"Your a late bloomer Cry, and that means-"




I looked to the left and saw the wall burst into pieces. There was dirt everywhere and I began to cough. It soon cleared out and I see Felix. My face had the biggest smile, I've never been so happy. I ran towards him and gave him a hug.


"OW!" Felix screamed.

I let go of him quickly and then looked at my hands. Ow? Why did he...?

"Cry," Felix lifted my face by placing his hand under my chin. "Your eyes are....are a different." He then lifted my hands and stared at the blue mist accumulating out of my palms. "Cry, oh my god."

"Yes he's a *Sorcerer! Now would you please let me down!?" Marzia shouted.

"Sorcerer? But I'm human." I replied in shock.

"No, Cry...your just a late bloomer. A Sorcerer usual mistakes themselves for a human until they get to a certain age and gain all their powers! A Socerer only gains their powers every 1000 years!"


Me not human?

1000 years?


I felt as if my head was about to explode! I ran towards the bathroom in the building so I can see my face. I walked in front of a sink and mirror. I gasped as I saw my eyes.

They were a neon blue, it was so bright it hurt me just looking at the color. So did my parents send me here for a reason? Is this that reason?

I'm a monster?

I ran back out and I still see Marzia floating off of the ground. But she was arguing and yelling at Felix.

"Your dead to me Felix, DEAD!"

"Marzia, I honestly don't care." Felix replied with no care as to what she was saying.

"Well you SHOULD care!"

"Hahaha, nope."

"Ughh, your so frustrating!" Marzia growled.

I walked back and looked at Marzia. "I'm not bringing you down." I said in a deep-toned voice.

"Get me DOWN you little shit!" She screamed.


"Cry, Felix doesn't love you, he loves me. The funny thing is, he can't stand you! He just wanted you for your human blood, just cause it tasted so different and delicious. Cry, you're nothing but a



Bitch." Those words made snarl, made me grit my teeth, made so furious, my blood began boil.

"Cry don't listen to her! She's lying!" Felix yelled and took my hands.

"NO!" I screamed and snapped my hands away. "She is dead! I'm done with Marzia, I'm tired of her causing me to feel like a fuck up and I mean nothing!" 

I began to float off the ground. The ground began to tremble, rather roughly.


I stopped.

Something just snapped.

It's as if my switch turned from on to off.

My heart beat began to quicken rather rapidly.

I looked down at Felix and floated back towards the ground. I grabbed Felix's hands and looked at his blood-red eyes. Just the slightest touch from him my heart beat, made me have butterflies in my stomach, sending shivers and tingles all over my body. I saw his cheeks flush a pink hue.

"I love you too." I said and blushed. My face was hot, hotter than usual when I'm around Felix.

Felix came closer to me, an inch away from eachother's face. His warm breath heating my cold lips.

He leaned in and pressed his soft lips against mine.

Goddammit Felix, I love you.

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