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Status: Draft

February 14th, 2016 11:09 pm

To: Liam

From: Abigail

So you didn't show up to school for a few days after our dinner.

It kind of surprised me really.

You were never one to skip school.

I almost called to see if you were okay, like I would have back then.

But I didn't. I stopped myself as soon as I dialed your number.

I told myself it shouldn't matter to me. But the funny thing is Liam, it does.

But you know what happened that following Monday?

You showed back up at school, but guess who was linked right around your arm?


Shocker! Not.

I honestly expected it.

I knew you'd get back together.

You may have broke it off in hopes that I would forgive you right then and there but I didn't Liam.

And that didn't make things any better on your part.

You must have called her that night, after dinner and told her you wanted her back.

Or maybe she called you and you two made up.

I don't really care.

Scratch that, yes I do.

It hurt to see that.

Especially when only a few days before you were at my house up in my room apologizing and telling me you were done with her.

Looks like you lied once again.

No points for Liam!

So it's Sunday, Valentine's Day.

I wonder what you did today.

Probably were with Jas, on a date.

Giving her little kisses and gifts like you used to do me.

Funny how that works.

Different girl, same actions.

I guess all guys are the same.

Maybe I should sleep.

Goodnight Liam.


Authors Note:

Sorry it took awhile to update, I had to decide what I wanted to do with this chapter.

This one goes out to UnspeakableLies
I love the comments ❤️

xx, Bree

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