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Song for chapter: River Of Tears : Alessia Cara

Status: Draft

February 4th, 2016 12:05 am

To: Liam

From: Abigail

Dinner last night was fan-freaking-tactic.


Not only did we both find out we would be attending the same school this fall, BUT my mother being awfully curious as she is, decided to bring up your girlfriend.

As if I didn't know it was inevitably going to happen, I didn't mentally or physically prepare myself for the damage.

It started with your mom asking if I'd been seeing anyone, to which I replied I was too busy for a relationship, seeing how school was draining and finals were coming.

It was only halfway true, in the sense that the boy who'd stolen my heart was with someone else.

Tragic, I know.

Then my mom decided to bring up Jasmine.

"I saw you and a girl at the cafe not that long ago Liam, is that your girlfriend?"

I sucked in a hard breath and clenched my teeth, trying to ignore the ache in my chest.

You said "That's my girlfriend Jasmine."

"Oh! How lovely. She seems nice."

Your mom then laughed and said "She's nice, but I'm not sure if she's the one for him."

Ouch. Did that hurt you to hear Liam?

You got mad at her for saying that because after all, she was your girlfriend.

But that doesn't mean your mom has to like her, and clearly she doesn't.

Point for Abigail.

Up until that point, I hadn't said anything regarding Jasmine, and I prayed silently that it would end.

But it didn't.

You and your mom began to argue, right in front of me.

You said you loved Jasmine, and that you'd been together for seven months.

I looked over to my mom, and asked for permission to leave the table.

Her eyes held something, but nothing I could put my finger on.

I immediately bolted up the stairs to my bedroom, closing the door.

I sat on the bed, my head in my hands and my heart pounding in my chest.

The ache just wouldn't go away.

But you wouldn't know how that felt Liam, would you?

The next thing I knew, I had tears cascading down my face in a river of sadness.

That dinner should have been for us.

One of many we shared.

You said we were meant to be, and then there you were, sitting in my kitchen talking about your girlfriend.

But that girl wasn't me.

How did we come to this?

A few minutes later I heard a knock on my door. I knew it couldn't have been my mother because she never knocked.

I was shocked when the door opened and you walked in.

You, Liam. You walked in.

You came and sat down on the bed next to me, an unnerving sad look on your face.

It almost matched the one I had, minus the tears.

"I'm sorry." Was all you said.

I cried harder like the broken girl I've tried so hard to bury.

She came back running, showing just how I felt inside.


I didn't say anything at first.

Not until you told me again, that you were sorry. But this time for ruining dinner by arguing.

Seriously? You think that's why I was upset?

Because you ruined a dinner I didn't even want to be part of?

I laughed at that. Right in your face.

"Stop yourself right there before o I dig yourself a deeper hole." I managed to choke out.

I couldn't stop laughing.

"Look, I know I hurt you Abs—" You started to say, but I wasn't having it.

"Do not call me that. My name is Abigail." I threw back in your face.

You looked shocked at my sudden outburst, but life is full of surprises huh?

"Just hear me out. I know ending things like I did wasn't right. I was a coward and threw possibly the best thing in my life away. You meant so much to me Abby. And I was just too blind to see it. I want you to forgive me. I need you to." You said, looking away.

"I broke up with Jasmine this evening. Before we came over. I had a feeling she was cheating, and I found out for sure earlier today." You continued.

I just sat there, not knowing how to feel.

Before I could respond, your mom walked up to my room and said you two needed to leave.

It was late, and your mom already felt bad enough for arguing with you in front of us.

I guess she didn't know you and Jasmine broke up.

With the way you were talking none of us would have suspected a thing.

"I'll talk to you later Abby. This conversation isn't over." You said standing up, and walking to the door that your mother once stood in.

You turned back around for a second, and said "I still love you. I always have and I probably always will."

I don't know how I feel about you saying that Liam.

You're ruining my plans.

I'm supposed to be getting over you remember?

Those words make things complicated. Messy.

You were never one for messy, or complicated until things took a turn with us.

I'm torn between wanting those words you said to me to be true, and hoping you're lying so I can still get over you.

I don't know which one I want more.

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