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Status: Draft

January 22nd, 2016 10:47 pm

To: Liam

From: Abigail

So it's been two and a half weeks since you told mom you'd call.

You haven't.

Most days at school I avoid you, so maybe you've been trying to talk to me in person and I've just been invisible.

But you had the chance to talk to me today Liam. More than one time, and you didn't take it. Any of them.

You're too busy with Jasmine.

I saw you today.

And I swear I almost said something, but before I had the chance, your little girlfriend walked up and wrapped her arms around you. Not forgetting to throw a smirk in my direction.

Your eyes met mine, and for a split second they held regret, and I thought maybe you'd finally come say something.

But you know what you did?

You turned your attention right back on her and gave her a sweet kiss.

The ones I used to receive when you were mine.

That stung, I hope you know.

Especially since I don't really know what I did to deserve it.

You leaving, I mean.

It was so sudden, for me anyway.

Why did you leave Liam? Wasn't I enough?

You sat beside me in English today.

It wasn't the only seat open when you arrived to class ten minutes early, like I always do.

Normally you're staggering in at the last second right before the late bell rings.

But today you were early.


Why must you do things as little as that?

Do you think I don't notice it? Because, I sure as hell do.

Jasmine came in a few minutes later and sat down in front of you.

You smiled the second you saw her.

In that moment, I wished I could have gotten up and moved, but you definitely would have noticed that.

When that class ended, I bolted out of the room, not wanting to watch the love fest that was sure to happen.

I don't get it Liam.

How did it all turn into this?

Me avoiding you, you avoiding me.

You doing things like sitting next to me in class like old times.

Do you remember that day in Sophomore year when Lucas Bradley wouldn't leave me alone?

We were in Biology, and you sat across the room from me, and unfortunately the school's biggest jock sat right beside me.

He was picking on me and calling me names like 'mouse', 'loser', 'weirdo.'

Do you remember what you did?

You got right up out of your seat and walked over to Lucas and decked him across the face and told him 'No one messes with my best friend.'

From that day forward, you sat in that seat. And Lucas never once said anything to me after that.

You got sent home that day, and your mom was furious when she got a phone call from the school saying you'd gotten in a fight.

But when you told her what happened and how you were just defending me, she smiled and told you she was proud.

She knew how you felt about me.

I wonder what she knows now.

Have you told her?

Or did you make up some lie as to why we aren't friends?

I can only imagine it's probably the latter.

I wonder if she likes Jasmine.

Maybe I should go visit her.

Author's Note:

Im at work and I decided to write another chapter. I've got so many big plans for this book 🤗

xx, Bree

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