I ruined everything

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Mayas POV

Its been a month since, I confessed about me cheating to Josh.

I wake up and Im on top of Josh on the couch.

I get up and go upstairs. I go into Abbeys nursery and shes awake just looking around.

I change her into a teal onesie. I then go into Jackson's room but, he's fast asleep.

Maci, comes out of her room with her blue dress on and her black converse.

Im just wearing sweats and a T-shirt. I had a miscarriage a week ago and only Riley knows.

" Come on Maci, its time to go see Aunt Riley" I say.

" Wheres daddy?" she asks.

"downstairs, you can give him a kiss and then we need to go" I say nicely yet stern so, she knows im serious.

" Okay mommy" she says and starts running down the stairs. I check in on Jackson and he is still asleep.

That kid can sleep.

I take Abbey downstairs and Maci gives Josh a kiss on the cheek since, he is still asleep.

" lets go" I say.

I put the girls in their car seats and I jump in.

I then drive the five minutes to Riley's house.

I get the girls out and we go inside.

Maci, goes and plays while I put Abbey on the floor with Mason and Emma.

" Peaches,you okay?" Riles asks.

" Its all my fault. I cheated and Drew got me pregnant. I told Josh it wouldn't happen again Riley and it did.... Three times and I've ruined everything. I ruined our family!" I reply and she grabs me.

" Shh, Maya calm down. Its not your fault that you lost the baby. Maybe you and Josh are just not meant to be. Play the long game and maybe you guys will end up together again" she says.

" Your right.... Ill back soon to pick them up" I reply and grab my keys.

I go to my car and get in. I then drive to the house. I get in and go inside. I see a very upset Josh on the couch and Jackson next to him watching scooby doo.

" what the hell is this! " Josh yells and gets up with papers. My hospital papers to be exact.

" how did you get those?" I ask.

" I went through your stuff" he says.

" Seriously! Josh im sorry okay. I shouldn't have done it three times after you said not to and I should have told you about the miscarriage but, I couldn't because I'm afraid of being the reason our kids dont have a perfect family" I reply and tears stream down my face and he starts crying.

" It was Drew's kid wasn't it? " he asks and I nod.

" Yeah" I reply.

" I cant believe you Maya! How could you be such a bitch! This is all your fault! " he yells.

" You really think thats going to hurt? I've been called a bitch for a long time and besides I've been called worse!" I yell back.

" Really like what? Stop being such a whore and maybe we could of been a family!" he yells.

" Really! I only caught you three times! Who knows how many girls were on the side that I never knew about! The only thing I've been called worse was your finacee! I cant do this anymore! It hurts to much, we keep hurting each other! Im leaving and Im taking the kids with me!" I yell back and he slaps me across the face.

" Your not taking our kids!" he yells.

" Watch me!" I yell back.

I run upstairs and pack my clothes. I then pack Jackson's. Riley, already has some stuff for the girls. I run back downstairs with the two bags and Jackson's car seat.

Im still bawling and everyone is here.

"maya" Drew says and touches me.

" DONT FREAKING TOUCH ME!" I scream and go to Jackson. I pick him up and put him in his carseat. I buckle him up and put a blanket over him.

" Your not taking the girls" Josh says.

" you bet your ass I am. Those are my kids!" I say.

" You might be taking Jackson but, your sure the hell, not taking Abbey and Maci" he says.

" Think what you want. Im so sick of this same old love!" I yell and throw my engagement ring at him.

I pick up the carseat and our bags along with the diaper bag, trying to not fall. I throw everything in my car and I put Jackson's carseat in.

I drive to Riley's house and tell her everything. I go to the guest house and lay down with Jackson since, Riley and Lucas took the twins, Abbey, and Maci to the zoo. I kept Jackson with me because, he hasn't been feeling good lately.

Thoughts? Fave part? Fave line? ( Joshaya ontop)

Thoughts? Fave part? Fave line? ( Joshaya ontop)

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Maya and Jackson

Maya and Jackson

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Maya and Abbey

Maya and Abbey

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Maya and Maci

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