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Mayas POV

Its been three months since, i broke up with Josh. It's August and every other weekend Josh has Maci. I've been really upset.

I wake up and throw on black jeans that are ripped with a light pink flowy top that has pink flamingos on it with black sneakers. I do my makeup and go into Maci's room. Shes, already awake.

I peek in and watch her play.

" Dada dada dada dada dada dada" she says and my heart breaks a little.

She, loves seeing Josh. She's, a little daddy's girl.

I walk in and pick her up giving her a kiss. I dress her in black ripped jeans like me and put her in a shirt just like mine. I throw her black sneakers on and put her hair in a little ponytail.

We, walk out the door and go to the Matthews. We, walk inside. I sit on the chair and put her on my lap. Im not sure why but, everyone is over here everyday.

" Hows your morning Miss Maci?" Amy asks.

" dada!" she yells and i roll my eyes.

" Been saying it all morning?" Corey asks.

" Yup" i reply.

" yeah okay " he says and theres a knock. Auggie, runs to the door and yells "uncle Josh" and i look.

Maci, gets down and runs to Josh.
I walk to the kitchen and help Riley, Amy, and Topanga make breakfast.

" Is Maya here too?" i hear Josh ask Auggie.

" Im not sure. Why are you here?" Auggie asks.

" Well, this weekend is my time with Maci but, a bunch of my Buddies are going to Vegas so, I've been looking for Maya to tell her i won't be able to watch her. " he says.

I walk down the little stair and pick up Maci.

" your going to go Party instead of spending time with your daughter?" i ask.

" Maya, before you get pissed let me explain" he says.

" watch your mouth around her! Go ahead explain " i say.

" one of my friends brother is turning twenty one and invited us all to go. I want to get a survivor for Maci and Auggie" he says.

" hey!" Riley says.

" and Riley " he says.

" your unbelievable! " i say and set Maci down and she runs to Josh. He has Auggie on his Shoulders so, he holds her in his arms.

" Morgan, can you watch her tonight? " i ask.

" of course Maya. I love sending time with her" she replies and smiles. I start grabbing my stuff.

" wait Maya i need to tell you something" my mom says.

"what is it?" i ask.

" This morning I had a miscarriage" she says and i look at her stomach.

" what caused it?" i ask.

" Stress but, Shawn and I are still getting married" she replies.

" Im so sorry mom its all my fault " i say and hug them. I grab my purse and run out the door.

I go to my apartment and sit on the couch. I cry and cry. Its all my fault that she lost the baby. I put so, much stress on her and i didn't even want to be a big sister in the first place.

" hey" Josh says walking in and sitting next to me.

" Hey.... " i reply.

" wanna talk about it?" he asks.

" Life's not like how i expected it. I should be out getting into trouble and getting drunk. Instead Im in my own apartment with a one year old. Im a single mother. I should have never even slept with you. " i say and look at him.

" Alright get up were leaving" he says.

" leaving where" i ask.

" Were going to Vegas. Pack your bags and lets go" he says.

"i cant go Josh. I have Maci. What if something happens?" i ask.

"Nothing's going to happen so,come on" he says and grabs my duffle bag.

" But,im a mom now. I cant go and party like i want to. " i reply.

" your going, if you like it not. You deserve a weekend to party" he says.

" okay " i reply and start packing.

After, we go down to the Matthews to say bye to everyone and Maci.

We, walk in and Josh picks up Maci.

" Josh, wants me to go with them. Can you guys watch her please?" i ask.

" ill take her tonight" Morgan says.

" We will take her tomorrow night " Shawn says.

" We will take her Sunday night!" Joshes parents says.

" We, have her Monday night then" Topanga says.

" we will come and pick her up Tuesday " Josh says.

" does this mean Maya's going to be my auntie?" Auggie asks.

" uh if she wanted to be she could. I know i wouldn't have a problem with it " Josh says and i look at him.

Josh, then picks him up and throws him on his shoulders. I pick up Maci and give her loves.

"are you guys together now or something?" Lucas asks.

" No, but whats it too you huckleberry?" i ask.

" Nothing " he says and Riley goes into her room with him.

" Take good care of my daughter" i tell everyone and give everyone a hug.

We, then get in Joshes car and he drives us too the airport.

We, sit down and there's three guys.

"Whats up!" Josh says and they 'bro' hug.

" Whose this?" his one friend asks and looks me up and down.

" See something you like? Keep looking and you wont have eyes " i say.

" this is Maci's mom Maya. " Josh says.

" shes cute" he says.

" Watch out,shes one of the toughest girls i know" Josh says.

"Wow, Isn't hitting on your friends ex and baby momma, like against bro code?" i say.

" Maybe, im Drew by the way" he says.

" lets go get your ticket. " Josh says.

" i don't need you to hold my hand. We,aren't together though. Nothing can happen between us Josh. I really appreciate you taking me but, we can't keep messing with Maci feelings " i say.

" I know Maya, here" he says and hands me money.

I walk off and go to get my ticket.

Thoughts? Next chapter they r on the flight and then they are in vegas.

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