fun day

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Mayas POV

I wake up the next morning with a killer hangover. I crawl out of bed and walk out. Im wearing Joshes shirt and sweat pants. My hair is in a pony tail.

Last night was a blur. I sit down on the floor and look up at Josh.

" What happened last night?" i ask.

" You got wasted and someone drugged you. You were seeing crazy things and then i brought you here. You asked me to get into bed with you and then you know the rest" he says.

" you cant be serious. I could get pregnant again! " i say.

" aren't you on the pill?" he asks.

" No! Last time i did that i got pregnant with Maci and then the night before you left" i yell.

" Maya, calm down " he says.

" No we have to talk about this. " i reply.

"Maya, everyone's staring at us. They've been in the kitchen.

" I cant have anymore kids. I had Maci on my own. I cant do it again. I can barely pay for the apartment and its enough room for me and Maci. I can't fit another kid." i say.

" yes we can! We can make it work if you are pregnant " he says.

" How can i believe that Josh? Your still in contact with Missy. You left me remember. " i say babbling with all these thoughts going through my mind.

He then kisses me to shut me up. I smile and kiss him back. There's then a knock on the door. Josh opens it and Riley, Lucas, Auggie, Maci, Corey, and Topanga walk in.

" Mommy!" Maci yells and runs to me. I stand up and grab her.

" Hi baby" i say and smother her in kisses.

" Missed you" she says.

" I missed you too baby girl. " i reply and smile. I take her into Joshes room and start getting ready.

I put her in a pinkish bathing suit. I then throw on a pinkish bikini top with camouflage pants. I throw on flip flops. I throw my hair into a messy bun and put sunglasses on.

I then see Maci have my eyeliner.

She, looks at me and runs out of the room and i smile. I speed walk behind her trying to get it from her and shes smiling. No one is around.

" Im going to get you" i say and smile.

" mama no no" she says and i laugh.

She scrunches up her nose like Riley does.

I grab the eyeliner and throw it into the room. I pick her up and set her on the couch.

" Wow, you were all sad and once, you seen her you were happy. She makes you who you are Maya. She, brings out the best in you" she says and i smile.

" thank you Brittney" i reply.

Everyone then comes out of the kitchen.

" So, what going on?" I ask.

" we leave tomorrow, we go back to new York and pack. Everyone's, going to L.A and Miami. " Corey says.

"i cant, i have work" i reply.

" we got you a paid vacation" Topanga says.

" awe thank you" i reply and hug them.

" Josh!!!" Auggie screams and runs to Josh.

" Auggie!" Josh says and picks him up putting him on his shoulders.

I pick Maci up and throw her on my back.

We, all leave and walk the strip. We, go into the shops and get a few things.

We, go into this candy store and buy a bunch of candies like sugar rocks, pop rocks, lollipops, Ring pops, and some other stuff.

We, then go to Fashion show mall. We, go into forever twenty one and we shop around.

"Maya! What about this jump suit? " Riley asks.

" Love it! It suits you! Pink and sparkly " i reply.

" Theres a blue one! Im getting it for you and a purple one for Maci" she says and walks away. I laugh and Carly comes running to me.

" Can i take Maci to go look at shoes?" she asks.

" yeah" i reply and Maci goes to her.

I look around and then i pay for a few items. I go into a few stores and then i take a cab to hard rock. I get there and go into the restaurant.

" ahh ranger rick showed up" i say.

" its that time of month. Lets see who wins" he says.

" Ranger rick" i say.

" Blondie" he says.

" Heehaw" i say.

" Blonde beauty " he says.

" Huckleberry" i reply.

" short stack of pancakes" he says.

" Bucky McBoingBoing " i reply.

" Goldilocks " he says.

" Ha-Huur" i say and smirk. He sits there looking dumbfounded.

" Maya wins again Lucas" Topanga replies.

" i know.... She always gets me with that one " he says and we eat.

I laugh and we go back to the penthouse. We, all lay in the living room watching Teen beach with the kids. Im laying on Joshes lap and then Maci is on top of mine. Josh, has his arms wrapped around us and we lay our heads on his chest.

Thoughts? Will Maya fall pregnant? Will Josh stay?

Our Family GMWOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora