The First Date: Miyaji Yuuya

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I think I'm going to turn this into a mini series in this story. For each KnB character I will write about the reader's first date with the character. 

If you guys like this one i will continue on to the next character; if you guys like the concept then i will continue on with the first date idea except it would be like the first kiss or something like that.


Summer was coming to an end. Cicadas had taken over the musical scene as their chirps came from the trees. The sounds coming from them was easier for her to hear as she walked around the park. Clad in shorts, a band tee, a plaid shirt wrapped around her hips, and matching converse, she was ready for the date ahead of her.

Despite knowing the male that was walking by her side for many years, an awkward silence had settled between them. For most of the time she had known him, she liked him. At first it started as a small crush but it quickly grew to something more. 

The two of them would flirt so much and hug in public, many people had assumed they were dating. Now that two were officially on a date, everything felt so different. Was she to hold his hand? Start a random conversation? They already knew almost everything about each other.

Peeking up to Yuuya through her lashes, a blush formed on both of their cheeks since they looked at each other at the same time.

"Sooo, (F/N)," the basketball player finally spoke up, stretching out to slyly wrap an arm around her shoulders. "I was thinking maybe we should go see a movie then get lunch... and if you're up to it, you can come watch my street ball match."

The first thought in her head was: 'who the hell goes to the movies this time of the day?!' but that quickly left when he finished his statement. It seemed he already had the date planned out for the pair.

"Sounds like a plan to me..." now that someone was finally able to break the ice, she was able to relax in his grip, "besides, Yuuya, you know I love watching you play basketball."

When the movie finally started, the female realized why they went to see it so early. It was because it was an animated kids movie. Frankly, she thought it was downright adorable. The fangirl squeals that left her mouth at every new scene made Miyaji's heart pound with excitement just as much as hers. He knew the random knowledge he had on her would come in handy one day, he just didn't think it would be this soon. What else that would get to the male (and unadmittedly the female as well), was when their hands would touch as they reached for popcorn at the same time. He was able to tame his blush, but hers ran wild. Each time it happened she would keep staring at the screen, his eyes would wander down to her face, too in awe with the movie; it was a great way for him to see some of the many emotions she had.

Just as they had planned earlier: they went to lunch after the movie. He took her out to her favourite (fast food place), and paid for it. Normally, she would have been the one paying, so this little act he was doing, really worked numbers on her. 

"I'll wait for our order, (F/N), you can go get us a table." he was told that he should be a gentleman on their date so he offered her the best of what he could. Her reaction, however, was not one that he expected.

Instead of listening to his wants of her, she slipped her fingers with through his and leaned on his shoulder, "I don't want to. I think I'll wait right here with you. Being around you right now just feels really nice." at her small spiel, his hand accepted her much smaller one eagerly. When he did this, she gave it a squeeze as the corners of her lips turned upwards. 

"Are you having fun?"

"I am having a blast. You haven't gotten angry once today. Not only that, but you have had that goofy grin on your face the whole time." when she brought up to him both things he instantly became flustered.

Deciding to try and get her back before their order came he flirted quickly, "Who could get mad when they get to see your beautiful face all day?" finally the tray came and he slipped his hand away from hers to carry it to a table. She stood there, stunned that he had the wit to think of that so quickly, before following him to their seats. 

The end of their first date grew near as Yuuya put on his basketball shoes. (F/N) sat on the bench beside him with her arms stretched in front of her body. Any opportunity to watch him play the skilled sport was one she would take. The pride he held for his talent on the court was one of the reasons why she started to like him. 

"Oi, (F/N), we still have some time before the others get here, wanna play for a bit?" her play against him? Although she knew the basics one the sport there was no way she would be able to stay up with him. 

"I can't even dribble properly." her smile became an awkward one as her hand reached up to comb through her (H/C) locks. 

"Oh c'mon, it'll be fun." pulling the giant orange ball from his bag, he started dribbling in front of his date. "We don't even have to play a serious game... I can just teach you stuff."

"If you promise not to show off." he should know how bad the (H/L) haired girl was at the sport. She regrettably stood from the bench and slowly made her way towards their playing field. Yuuya had already made it there since he was literally bubbling with excitement. 

After several minutes of running around the court, dribbling, and trying to steal the ball away from her current date, he felt it was time for her to start shooting. He started her off with lay-ups since they're quick and easy. Unlike him however, she was no good at them. 

"Oi Yuuya! How do you guys consider this fun?!" she had scoffed, passing the ball to the male without giving it another shot, "This is nowhere as easy as you make it look!" she had completely given up before she had really started, there was no way she was tall enough for it. 

Before he would answer her, Yuuya effortlessly made a basket. This only caused her to huff and turn away in annoyance. He promised he wouldn't show off to her. "Yah (F/N)-san," the somehow already returned to her hands as she shifted to face the male. "try dunking it."

"Yah, Miyaji!" she mimicked him as snootily as possible, "how do you think I can dunk it if I can't even make a lay down or whatever they're called?" the ball in her hands was just pressed to her stomach as she stood with sass. 

"Like this." he lifted her up by her hips before making sure they were close enough to the hoop for her to make her shot. 

Squeaks of surprise escaped her lips as he yet again did something with ease. Her eyes grew determined as the ball went over her head then right threw the net. "Wow! Yuuya! Did you see that?!" once her feet were planted safely on the ground she shimmied around to give him a hug.

"Of course I did."

Even though he hadn't, all he truly wanted to see was her smile.


I hope you guys liked this. it has been like a million years since ive updated, sorry about that. 

anyways, i might get another one up this weekend, im not sure what im doing.

oh ye yeeee, im also getting my senior pictures taken on sunday and i am sick ;-; it is literally the saddest thing ever............. other than school starting on the 6th of september. 

but really, i hope you guys enjoyed.     

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