The Let Down: Kise Ryōta

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So the concert I was supposed to go to goT FREAKING CANCELLED. I cri ;;;.

You rolled around in your bed and gave off a squeal. Today you and your best friend, Kise Ryōta, were going to go to a (Fvaourite Artist) concert. You read about it online while Kise was there and practically rolled around wheezing with excitement. Of coarse, Kise had to be the greatest friend ever and buy tickets for the two of you to go see it together. Speaking of the devil, he just texted you!

From: Ryō~ Ryō~

To: (F/N)cchi!!

Message: (F/N)cchi! Guess what! ((((;゚Д)))))))

From: (F/N)cchi

To: Ryō~ Ryō~

Message: what Ryōta?! (v^_^)v

And of coarse, oblivious to the bad news that Kise was going to tell you, you were extremely happy and already getting the perfect outfit on for the concert. It wouldn't be the perfect X Reader if author-chan didn't describe what you had on already! You had on a maroon anime shirt on with sleeves stopping just below your elbows, faded high-waisted ripped jean shorts (which the shirt was tucked into and pulled out of a little bit so some of the shirt went over them), converse, winged eyeliner and mascara, and a flower crown.

From: Ryō~Ryō~

To: (F/N)cchi

Message: the concert was canceled and moved baaaaaaack!! 。・゜・(Д')・゜・。

Your phone fell through your fingers and onto your vanity table. This couldn't be happening! Not after it took you ages to pick out the perfect outfit! Not after you had to tell your sports couch you'd miss practice! Not after you had to take the day off of work! A noise left your mouth before you heard a knock coming from your front door. You sulked down the stairs, heart heavy, to the front door.

It was knocked on again and you could hear the melodic voice of Kise, "(F/N)cchi! Open up!" you did what he said, frustrated tears in your eyes. The model just stared at you for a couple of seconds, awe struck from how perfect you looked to him, before pulling you into s tight hug.

"Why did it have to be cancelled?!" you whined into his chest, trying not to ruin your perfectly done make up.

"(Singer) got sick! They had too!" he squeezed onto you, "but we can go have our own concert (F/N)cchi!" happiness fluttered through your being like butterflies as the smile found his face.

"Karaoke bar?" a smirk found your lips.

"Glad we're on the same page!" he laughed, letting you leave his death grip.

"But they aren't io pen until later!" a whine left your body again before you started pouting, "what are we going to do until then?!"

"Hmmm." he seemed to have had on a genuine thinking face while we walked towards the stairs. "You can model your clothing for me!" he had stars in his eyes before dragging your 'wtf oh hell no' body with him.

You were finally onto modelling your last article of clothing, a blue pastel short sleeved dress. You didn't like doing this, but it was something to do before the two of you would go sing.

"Well?" you twirled once, "how was the show?" a nervous smile played on your face as you looked him in the eye. His face was one of pure awe.

"(F/N)cchi!" he stood up quickly and grasped your hands, "you're so beautiful! Wear that one at tonight's date!"

"D-date?!" a blush as red as a fire truck spread into your cheeks.

"I meant as friends!" his cheeks lit up at the realisation of his words. Although, he wished it was a date.

"O-oh." disappointment dripped from your voice as you put on a fake smile. "Look at the time!" you tried changing the subject. "We should get going!"


*At the Karaoke Bar*

You two had sang a couple songs each, Kise was singing his third one while you thought about what to sing.

"Ne~ Kise." you giggled once he finished.

"What is it (F/N)cchi?" he sat down next to you, putting an arm over your shoulder.

"Wanna make music together?"

Kise clearly took it the wrong way as he blushed and pulled you onto his lap. "I'd love to her your music." he kissed your blushing face then bit down your neck.

"I-I didn't mean this way!" a soft moan left your mouth, "but it's a lot better than what I suggested!"

"How about we finish at my place?"

"I'd like that."

I almost forgot to update -.-

This one is shit and idc bc am hella tired.

Send in any requests!

See y'all next week!

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