The Rock I Need: Takao Kazunari

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The thundering noise of rapid footsteps on the pavement echoed in your ear before being shoved into a remaining puddle in the park from the storm. Anger swelled into your seven year old eyes as your favourite shirt was ruined.

"Hey!" you ran after the raven haired boy, "Hey you! Stop running right now!" Of course he didn't listen, but thank god your parents got you into running. You quickly caught up with him and grabbed his shirt.

"Hey! Let go of me!" his voice was higher than yours was and it made you giggle. "I'm going to be late for my match!"

"Well that's still no reason to push /me/ into the /puddle/ and not saying sorry!" your mood turned sour again and you started pouting.

"Sorry." he rolled his eyes. "I really hafta go! My team will never forgive me for being late!"

"This isn't the last time you see me Raven Boy!"

*Middle School Time*

You stretched getting ready for your track meet. Today was your first meet after having physical therapy for your knee. It was a scary thought, not being able to run again because of all the damage its been taking these past years. (A/N: how is not being able to run a scary thought? I hate running!)

"Do your best, (F/N)-chan!" you heard your best friend Takao yell. A smile came to your face as his excitement somehow passed through the air to get to you. You turned to him, giving two big thumbs up before going to the track for your event,

Later that night you were clutching your knee in agonising pain. Never in your life did you think that something could ever hurt this much.

*High School Time*

You sighed watching your boyfriend, Takao Kuzanari, run past you. Jealousy surged through your body as you clutched your knee. You were forced to stop running after that fateful track meet, you had always worked hard to keep your knee from failing you... It wasn't fair.. You did everything your therapists told you to! Why aren't you able to run?! You wiped your eyes, stopping tears of frustration.

"Babe!" a panting Kazu rubbed his face with his towel. You stared up at him, his once shrill voice now a deeper tone you could get a high from. "Can you hand me your water? I drank mine!" he gave an 'I'm sorry' smile and placed his hands on his head.

"Mhm." you leaned down to the floor to pick up your water. Takao had his mouth open, expecting you to help him drink it. Slowly you stood up, not wanting to agitate your injured leg. "Ne~ Kazu... D'you think I'll ever be able to run again?" you took a step forward and your knee gave way, sending your backwards. As usual, the basketball player caught you pulling you close.

He quickly placed a kiss on your lips, sensing the mood you were in. This happened every once and awhile when you watched how much fun they were having. His face hid into the crook of your neck, causing him to hunch over from the height diverence. It made him want to replace knees with you, seeing how much you loved running and not being able to.

A laugh left your mouth, not even needing his answer. "I should be happy with what I have..." tears started to leak from your eyes. "R-right Kazu? I should be happy I have this piece of shit knee instead of no knee?"

"(F/N)." his eyes became hard whilst flicking your forehead, "whenever you get like this I don't know what to say. Don't be so depressed about it yeah? If you work hard and keep doing what your therapists tell you it'll get better." he sat you back down before taking a seat next to you.

"Thank you Kazunari... For being my rock." you rid your face of any tears that managed to escape before a bright smile gained control. "I love you."

"I love you too. Always remember, if you fall because of you knee, I will be there to catch you." a happy hum left your closed lips while you leaned on him.

*Current Time*

You were so close to giving birth, because of the size of your stomach and your barely working knee you needed help from your husband to walk. The two of you had talked it over, finally coming to the agreement of getting it amputated if if got any worse. Takao insisted that you went to the hospital with him whenever he went to work, worried that if you went into labour at home no one would be able to help.

"Kazu!" you whined in the lunch room. "Why can't I just try walking on my own?!"

His green haired friend answered you, "Because if you fell, it would possibly cause a lot of damage to the baby."

"Exactly!" the trickster put his hands on your huge stomach, "and I would never forgive myself!"

"Hmph!" you looked away from the two doctors. Their lunch was almost over anyways. "I have to-" You stopped talking and looked down to your wet pants. "Oh god! Takao! It's time!"

And despite the fact he was a doctor, he was freaking out, worried on what the next move would be.

I just--

How? Like what even. I finally got up to episode 75 and omfg. I'm almost dooooooone. I can't that episode anywheeeeeeeere!

So I continued watching Haikyuu and I must say, KnB left my expectations too high. I like it still, don't get me wrong, but I'm on like episode thirteen or fourteen... I don't remember which... Nishinoya is literally my spirit animal. I made my Twitter @ based off him. Like seriously. Him and Suga are life. And Suga and Asahi are precious like I guess I do dig Haikyuu!

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this! I felt kind of rushed writing this bc it's my dad's birthday and I have to make cake and everything in a little bit -.-'

Send in a request for a lemon or fluff for any character!

Thanks for ready! It truly means a lot!

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