The Teams Little Helper: Kuroko Tetsuya

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You had always been short for your age. Being 157 centimetres (5 feet 1 13/16 of an inch) was rather challenging, perverts even told you you must be so short because of the size of your breasts. This offended you, but being the overly nice and bubbly girl, you were never able to stop them from saying it again.

Their was someone always watching you from afar, laughing at your face when you were told that. And that someone was Riko. Seeing as you are Hyuga's cousin he wanted to make sure you weren't going together kidnapped since you were so beautiful. Because of this, you were the assistant manager. Which ment, you ran to get water for them, mad t-shirts to sell at the school when they enter any cups, and you would prepare food for after games, and lemons in between halves. Since you did all this with the team, you got really close to them all. Especially Tetsuya, you were way interceded on how he could just appear and disappear.

"Tetsu-kuuuuuun!" you adopted Aomine's nickname for him. "Tetsu!" you ran faster towards the practicing bluenette. Just as he turned around you ran into him and made the both of you fall to the floor.

"(F/N)," the male watched as you hid your face in his smelly practice shirt, "what are you doing?"

"Tetsu." you sniffled. Riko yelled at everyone to get back to practice. Some tears fell from your eyes, wetting his shirt. He pulled the both of you off the ground and off the court so none would run into you two.

"What is it (F/N)?" he readjusted his wrist bands and looked into your eyes.

"S-someone harassed me Tetsu." you whipped your eyes on the sleeves of your uniform.

"WHAT?!" Riko shouted. Heads turned towards the raging girl. "Who would do such a thing to such a precious little girl?!"

"I-I don't know!" you teared up again, obviously traumatised from what happened, "I w-was on my way to the home-ec room and I was tackled." the tears had started to fall. "H-he s-started t-touching-" you broke off in tears. Kuroko pulled you into a tight hug and kissed your hair.

"Do you know what he looked like?" Kuroko asked whilst rubbing soothing circles on your back.

"N-no!" you sniffled.

"Maybe someone should go with her tomorrow to see if it happens again." Kagami stated with a smirk directed towards Kuroko, "someone who has a lack of presence." he said louder than the other part of his plan. If you hadn't known Kuroko so well you wouldn't have noticed that he was a tad bit of flustered.

So the next day the two of you walked silently to the classroom. Kuroko stood on the side that you were attacked. The only reason you knew he was there was because you were walking with him. The team and number 2 was always lurking around the corner, in case there was more than one person today.

The silence the two of you walked in wasn't an award one, more like a comfortable one. You had wanted so bad to hold Tetsuya's hand, but then someone would then notice him.

So far the two of you made it safely to the hallway with the home-ec room in it. Nothing looked out of place, but Tetsu got a little closer to you. He pinched your hand softly signalling for you to speak.

"Man... I wish I wasn't always walking alone." you sighed out loudly. A subtle rustling noise came from behind the two of you. You sighed through your nose and stepped closer to Kuroko so the two of you were basically touching. There was no doubt you were scared out of your mind, you could feel your fear oozing out of yourself.

Then it happened. The attacker thought he'd run into you but was stopped by Kuroko. You never noticed that the bluenette was that strong. The unknown make fell into the wall with an 'oomf' and the team came running to him.

You pulled Kuroko into the class room, then squeezed his hands happily, "thank you so much Tetsu!"

"No problem (F/N)." his face stayed stoic but you knew he was happy. You stood on your tippy toes and ruffled his hair the best you could with a huge smile on your face.

"Is there I anything I can do to repay you?" you rolled back to the balls of your feet and off your toes.

"Well..." he had blushed slightly and rubbed the back of his head, "we could go on a date or something."

A bright smile formed on the (H/C)'s face, "Yeah, I would like that too Tetsu." you went back on your tippy toes and pecked him on the lips, "that is your 'or something.'"

I hope you guys like this one! I didn't exactly know what direction this was going when I wrote this, I just wrote something.

Anyways, the thing I use normally to type these with is charging rather poorly, so hopefully it'll be charged long enough so I can keep writing these! (Or maybe my parents will let me get a new one)

Anyways, remember to send me any of your requests!

They next one should be Murasakibara since he is the only GoM I haven't done yet.

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