Secrets: Momoi Satsuki

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Idek how to really explain this so... (Finna be a short one lol) I just think Momoi doesn't get enough attention and when she does she is genderbent.

You'll just have to read to see what happens 😉

The next one shot will be someone from Seirin idek yet.

Momoi had always watched over the (H/C)ette. She let her cry on her shoulder when her mum died, she was always over spending the night at her house, and they were practically inseparable. The pinkette was convinced, she was in love with her best friend.

When Aomine and (F/N) started dating at the beginning of high school she was heartbroken. Two of her best friends (and her secret crush) were now a thing, pushing her behind them. They would always flirt and be cheeky around each other, even if there were other people there. (F/N) did get Aomine to go to more practices, that was the only plus Momoi could think of.

"Daiki!" the (E/C) eyed beauty rushed into the gym, sounding rather pissed off.

"Hey babe." he turned around nonchalantly. Couldn't he see how mad she looked?!

"You haven't given me a hug yet today!" Aomine watched her with a smile, wiping the sweat off his face with his shirt.

"Is that so?" he lifted her off the ground, spinning her in circles. Adorable sounds left (F/N)'s mouth, causing Momoi to tear up. Aomine put her on the floor again giving her a squeeze. He placed a kiss on her lips then smirked triumphantly.

"Aho! You're all stinky and sweaty!" the smaller girl pushed at his chest.

"You wanted your hug and I gave you your hug." he let go of her, heading back to practice. "We can go out on a date later to make up for it."

"It better be a good one! I've dealt with too much of your shit for you to plan a cruddy date."

"Yeah yeah whatever babe."

At the end of practice while Momoi watched (F/N) and the ace walk away she teared up. They got further away from her, escaping just like her tears.

She went home by herself and looked at her diary not even (F/N) knew about to start writing.

"Entry seventy: 8/14/15.

'Today is the one of the last days I can watch them be happy together. I don't know how much more I can take of them... It's our last year of high school and she hasn't known how I feel... Maybe I'll tell her tomorrow...'"

There she was on the roof, waiting for (F/N) to come. The door opened and she saw her walk in with a bright smile on her face, also noticing a love bite on her neck.

"Hey Momoi-chan! What'd you want to tell me?" the bright bubbly smile crossed her face, the one Momoi loved.

"I-I um..." Momoi fidgeted, nervous about her confession.

"Um... Are you okay?" (F/N) walked over to place a hand on her forehead.

"I-I l-lo-love you!" she confessed. She actually did it. Her friend jumped back shocked with the sudden confession, a red hue on her cheeks.

Daiki came up to the roof with the food he bought for him and (F/N), "They didn't have any sandwiches so I got you a burger."

"Daiki, you know I shouldn't eat stuff like that." just like that Momoi's confession was ignored.

"Right... I forgot you're eating for two." Aomine smiled proudly. Momoi gasped, tearing up before heading to her escape; the building entrance. They were in high school. Aomine had already been accepted into the police academy, but (F/N), what about her collage? She quickly ran out of the school in shambles.

She was too busy thinking about (F/N)'s future to have noticed the drunk driver heading her way. Her blurry vision didn't help her foggy mind.

With a thud she was lowed over. She remembered thinking before the cold clasp of death tickled her back, 'Why did you do this to me (F/N)? I loved you.'


If you read this you know Momoi's horrific fate.
I have an alternative ending
Alternative ending:

Before Momoi could rush off the roof, the pregnant couple walked off, holding hands. She sat there crying for a good twenty minutes before the door opened.

"M-Momoi! What are you doing up here?! Im sorry!" a shocked Ryō pushed open the door.

"Oh!" she sniffled rubbing away her tears.

Ryō didn't know why she was crying, he just knew to hug her. "I'm sorry for hugging you! I'm sorry that you're crying! I'm sorry! But things will get better!"

A small giggle left her mouth, maybe it wasn't a curse that (F/N) rejected her. "Thank you Ryō." her head found his chest and she hugged him tightly.

Here's to a new crush. One that saved her from an inevitable sadness.

So I like the second ending better.

Any request?

Send me a direct message or comment on the story who you would like! It can be lemon, fluff or anything you want it to be!

I hope you enjoyed this!

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