The Accident: Hyuga Junpei

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You slipped your fingers through your (H/C) locks waiting for your best friend to text you her response. In the pit of your stomach you couldn't help but feel rotten for going on a date with Riko's crush; but the feelings you held for him couldn't be held back anymore; not only that but he was the one who asked you. You thought of it is a courtesy to let Riko know that you would be going on a date with Hyuga. 

If Riko were to not approve the date, you would probably cancel it. But when you got her message of acceptance and happiness for her, you fell back on her bed with a content sigh, "Yokatta."

There was still a couple of hours before you would meet up, so you decided to kill some time by looking through your clothes. You already had your clothes pulled out; but maybe there was something better for the current cold, snowy weather. The romper you had chosen the other day seemed less inviting as the snow kept coming.

 Your once clean bedroom floor was already a mess as you decided against each outfit. Now, with only an hour left before the agreed time, panic started to fill you. Not only that but you were reaching the extent of your closet. 

Then an absurd thought occurred to you: why not match some different clothes up?

That's exactly what you did. Now running through the snow in your snow boots, skinny jeans, (Favourite Super Hero) crewneck, scarf, and mittens, you rushed to the meeting spot. 

"Ah jeez! I forgot to do my hair and makeup!" you didn't hold it against yourself; however, you hardly wore make up and your usual hairstyle was messy. So why did it matter so much right now?

"Oh, (F/N)-san. I'm glad you came." Hyuga gave an embarrassed smile as he awkwardly rubs the back of his head, "i-it's okay if I call you that, right?"

"Of course it is Junpei!" giving him a reassuring grin with two big thumbs up. "Let's get inside and out of the cold so we don't get sick." 

As soon as you finished talking his fingers laced through yours as he lead you through the surprisingly crowded street. The heat that rushed to your face was untameable. Covering your steamy face with your free hand was simply irresistible. But, there was no denial of you liking the feel of his hand in yours. 

About half way through the date the most embarrassing thing happened. You had gotten so comfortable with him that you forgot that the two of you were on a date. It happened in the middle of you laughing. It just came out on accident. Instantly you cease all movement and sound. Staring him in the eyes you started tearing up. This could not be happening to you. There was no way you had just farted in front of your date. 

Scenarios were playing through your head. He was probably going to stand in distaste and give you the dirtiest look imaginable and say something like "(L/N)! You disgusting pig! I can't believe I ever liked someone as gross as you!" 

Or maybe he wouldn't even move at all. Maybe he would just give you the cold shoulder and pretend that you weren't even there in front of him. Even in your imagination you could feel the scary, stormy aura oozing off of him.

"I-I'm sorry Junpei! I didn't mean to d-do that!" with your head bowed you suddenly heard laughter.

"W-was that what I thought it was?" he was gasping out while reaching out to grab your hands. 

"I-it was." slowly looking up through your bangs you saw his bright face before you heard him do what you just did. "Aaah Junpei that stinks!" if your hands hadn't been his you would have plugged your nose.

"Chotto chotto! I didn't say anything about your fart!" if he wasn't busy laughing you were positive he would have had a stern look covering all his facial features.

With eyelids shut over your (E/C) hues you gave him a blinding smile along with some laughter. "Thank you for making me feel better!" at this moment he swore that you were sparkling. 

It may have been his first date with you, but he knew that you were the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

*Extended Ending*

"So, how did the date go?" Riko plopped down in front of you on your bed. 

Looking away with a blush you instantly remembered what happened, "You could say we blew each other away..."

"Is that good?"

"Oh it was a very good date."


Sorry I haven't updated in like forever. I will update another story tomorrow so hopefully that'll make up for everything.

If you have any requests send them in! And if you have already made a request that I haven't done yet, please let me know! I got a new laptop and my list of requests was on my old one. Sorry guys!

I hope you enjoyed!

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